
Oddly enough (not really), this is also a list of pretty much all the things I loved the fuck out of in the newest movie. Here’s another, not quite finger-in-the-eye to the older movies, but nonetheless something definitely out of place with them and also sure to be dear to Albert’s pinko heart:

My wife works at a major corporation as an assistant to a officer of the company. They are some of the laziest, most overpaid people employed at the corporation, and no matter how poorly they perform, or how often they skip work, they can’t be fired without huge mess of bullshit. And the off chance they do get

Out of curiosity, is this a sponsored post? Are you paid to try to humanize these contemptible fucks, or are you just that dim?

Oh you TSA people, you. Not only do you violate our privacy and rights, but you put whacky instagram posts up. Is there anything you guys can’t do? I mean, other than actually catch a single terrorist that is.


Every molecule of sympathy I ever had for this guy is now vapourised. Christ, what an asshole.

What about the fan mail? Cause I... I think I love you Burneko. No, really. I fucking love you to bits.

I came here for the comments, fully expecting hordes of humourless pendants assplaining how bitcoin is in fact real, it is in fact valuable, it is in fact secure, “no, your currency is not real”, etc and so forth. They did not disappoint. (well, other than being utterly predictable, humourless and depressing)

Let’s Godwin this motherfucker right now, shall we? If Hitler was just a dopey fuck with a Dick Cheney whispering in his ear, would that mitigate a fucking thing? Didn’t think so.

But me very frustrated with Star Trek fans who not willing to let new show be new show and not retread of everything that came before.

Poking fun at all sides of any given hot issue is fun for a while, but it gets tired after a while. The cynicism wears on you and the unwillingness to say “no, wait, THAT side is unequivocally evil” the times when that is actually the case is some cowardly shit.

Jimmy Kimmel is a mealy mouthed little milqtoast who normalizes these monsters by inviting them on his stupid show, yucking it up with them and being about as hard hitting as a wet paper towel. And he hasn’t even stopped. Remind me again when his interview with Spicer was. If this sad sack motherfucker is being held

Work and play? Umm, no. No fucking way would any sane person dare use one of those screamingly hideous absurdities in any workplace where a coworker might actually see them.

Work and play? Umm, no. No fucking way would any sane person dare use one of those screamingly hideous absurdities

Thank God Kim Kardashian has taken him down. Now that he’s been assassinated and she’s going to rot in prison for the rest of her life, America can finally start on the long road to healing.

“Megyn Kelly Hasn’t Changed”

Fuck those fucking fucks. And fuck centrist Mr. Hope-and-change for putting the foxes in charge of the henhouse. Fuck this world.

Right. Because MRAs and gamergater dumbfucks have NEVER ever shat on something simply because of its racial or gender components. And they won’t even give Vox Day the Hugo he deserves. Damn those SJWs. Bet they’re all on their periods or summin. amirite?

“How did this become the now normal?”

Go at #17? You are wrong and should feel bad.

Once more from the top: just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean she isn’t every bit the monstrous shitgibbon the other Trump spawn are. Do you give Eric a pass? Do you give Don jr. a pass? STOP GIVING IVANKA A FUCKING PASS!