You’re adorable.
You’re adorable.
You do realise that when you finally get back at the asshole who griefed you when you started out, you don’t don your shiniest armour and declare “I shalt meet thou on the field of honour, sir!” No. You fuck his shit up any way you can. And yes, it is indeed petty, but every last one of us who went through similar…
It looks like they are looking at the one thing that in most players’ minds makes Duelyst preferable to Hearthstone - the lack of RNG win condition cards - and saying “hey, why the hell are we bothering to differentiate ourselves here?” This just depresses me and I am not looking forward to the new expansion.
On the one hand, 48 grand isn’t all that much once you pay the team expenses and divide it between the team owner, staff, and players. Especially since it’s 48 grand Canadian, which’ll buy you a coupla maple donuts and a double-double at Timmie’s.
Show mercy to some poor sap press ganged into fighting against you? Sure. I think that was rather admirable and honorable of yer grandad. But we’re not talking about some kid forced to fight in the trenches. We’re talking about the new head of PR and marketing for the Nazis. And him, you punch hard in the fucking face!
Stole from Overwatch? Bullshit! This character is obviously stolen from Paladins!
You trot out the term ‘neo-liberalism’ like it’s meant to be damning
You’ve put your finger on it right there. And sadly, no one seems to get it. Just look at all the rage and presumptions being directed at you. It all tells me that if we survive a Trump presidency, the Democrats will once again put up a neoliberal motherfucker, totally ignoring the lessons of Brexit and the Trump…
Hopefully, some of the new money flowing through Riot’s coffers will find its way into the pockets of professional LoL players.
Do us a favor and keep your comments to Woman rights and just shut up about politics, ESPECIALLY about a place that you know jack squat about.
You really can’t see the sarcasm in Paladin Goo congratulating their accuracy in giving the black protagonist only 2 horrible and violent options with shopkeepers? Jesus Christ are you lot irony deficient. Was your ability to parse comments on the internet also sold off in the Gawker bankruptcy?
But poor people never need games! Overwatch is for gaming computers. I am going to be a box quote with this. Poor people!
I was waiting for some idiot to pop up and defend the undefendable. I didn’t expect them to do so by drawing some sort of amped-up Godwin faux parallel, but what the hell, right? Go big or go home.
No shit though, right? I mean, sure, her original attire was plenty professional enough for her work environment by any metric you care to use, but that’s not the point. She should be grateful to have a job, any job. The sheer gall of this entitled asshole daring to question the random whims of her employer regarding…
Alternatively “If you’ve been holding off on buying Overwatch because 70 bucks was just too little to pay for a game, the collectors edition is still a hundred bucks”
Alternatively “If you’ve been holding off on buying Overwatch because 70 bucks was just too little to pay for a…
Frank Magazine had the best descriptor of Celine Dion, and pretty much the only three words that ever need be said about her: “stick insect warbler”.
All you ‘Mericans getting yer knickers in a knot in this thread are so blinded by your indignation you are missing a golden chance to take the piss. Jackie Chan is pumped over the Chinese film industry because a movie made almost 100 million bucks. An American movie. That is fucking hilarious. And y’all are missing it.
You’re adorable!
Do you want me to whip out my bona fides and we can dick size over who is the more cosmopolitan global citizen here? No. I think not. So let’s just go by your rather presumptive bullshit and say that, like you, I have no freaking idea what people in those countries actually sound like. You know what we ALL do know…
The actor does not control the direction of the character, the director/client does. If the people hiring the Scandinavian voice actor tell him “your natural educated English accent is nice, but could you give us more of the Swedish chef from the muppets in the next take?”, does it somehow make it a serious…