Dude, it doesn’t matter one whit whether the voice actors are actually from the countries they supposedly are representing if your Mexican sounds like Speedy Gonzales and your Frenchman sounds like Pepe Lepew.
Dude, it doesn’t matter one whit whether the voice actors are actually from the countries they supposedly are representing if your Mexican sounds like Speedy Gonzales and your Frenchman sounds like Pepe Lepew.
It absolutely boggles my mind that people paid to write can write so fucking poorly. Drives me nuts.
If the simple fact that they are an absurdly opaque body that is in charge of a marketing machine that generates several billion dollars each time there are Summer Olympics (and about $17.32 for the Winter Games) doesn’t give you pause, then maybe the endless scandals about bribery and vote rigging by idiot…
I’m not saying he eats babies, but I’m not saying he DOESN’T eat babies. So if Hillary won’t divorce that baby-eating monster, why the fuck should she get my vote?
The TPP is a trade agreement that seeks to stoke economic growth among the 12 countries involved, though critics say it will harm U.S. workers by moving jobs to developing countries.
Why does everyone hate it? Simple. Because some tone deaf assholes in marketing decided they should facefuck Bowie’s corpse before it gets too cold and use a shit version of Space Oddity in the trailer. At least, that’s why anyone with a molecule of wit or taste hates it.
Well, for one thing, you can be pretty fucking sure the line is drawn well before the point where you are entitled to go off on someone who just donated you money and thanked you for giving direction to his life after a suicide attempt. Here’s a quick rule of thumb: if you act like you are the living embodiment of a…
Christ, what an asshole!
Whelp, at least now I won’t have to watch the Rio Olympics.
I couldn’t agree with you more. For example, when virulent assholes harrass and threaten women gamers and developers, and then pretend it’s all normal, or about “ethics in gaming journalism” or some other lie, it is not even close to OK.
What this blog post fails to mention is the lack of ethics in her gaming journalism. Why else would GG be involved?
So are “doctors” of homeopathy. Doesn’t mean the two words make sense together though.
When the new Russian boss burns Gawker and all its properties to the ground post Hulk Hogan payout, it’s you, Albert, that I am going to miss the most.
And my point is that beach volleyball is about as much a serious sport as a League of Legends championship. (though I’m with ya 100% on which I would rather watch)
We apologise that it lacks the sporting gravitas of, say, beach volleyball at the Olympics.
I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. I think the skins and voice packs are especially hilarious. Though I must admit that this past month I’ve seen some toxicity creeping in both there and in HotS. Refugees from LoL and Dota no doubt!
Thank God she realised the error of her ways. Now we can all celebrate the beauty and gravitas involved in playing a game character with GIANT CARTOON TITS, without the distraction of tits.
“HOTS is by far the least toxic game environment for a MOBA”
But I think that when you adopt an animal, that animal is your responsibility for life, and not just when it’s convenient.