I’m wondering if it’s an autocorrect case.
I’m wondering if it’s an autocorrect case.
That’s some quality hate.
I mostly agree. I’m kind of tired of seeing every piece of marketing material though. Let’s just see the dang car already dangit.
Stop trying to make nick happen.
I’m sure there will be incidents of hacking, but I don’t think that will stop things. There’s plenty of other critical infrastructure with safety issues out there susceptible to hacking.
I feel the same way. I’m sure autonomous cars will have their problems, but at least they’ll always be paying attention, and won’t be spiteful or aggressive or tailgate, or tapping their goddamn brakes for no reason and causing jams.
Yea, I was considering this, but there just aren’t that many shows I’d use it for. Also, while I’m not sure about all of the networks, but with the CW for instance, you can stream shows from a Roku app for free without logging in to anything.
Yea, I was considering this, but there just aren’t that many shows I’d use it for. Also, while I’m not sure about…
It was disappointing anyway besides the dead kid stuff. I was psyched to see it and predisposed to liking it too. It wasn’t particularly smart either, just kinda high-concept.
Wrong. You’re a fake news.
Talking numbers shouldn’t count as getting to third base. Just give me your best offer. If you won’t do that then I suspect you’re hoping I’m a naive sucker who is going to overpay if you’re lucky.
You better act now! This is a hot one and it’s going fast! No time to think!
This is what makes used car shopping harder. You get nervous about finding another unicorn with the same model year, miles, condition, options etc.
It’s lucky to even get a firm written number at all. Usually they try to stay vague and make you feel like any misunderstanding was just an accidental miscommunication, which was probably your fault anyway.
Maybe I don’t get what you mean with the coffin corner, but as with a punt, when you kick out of bounds it doesn’t have to land in bounds first. A place kicker could get consistent with kicking the ball out of bounds around the 10 yard line with it still 20 feet in the air. The receivers don’t have a chance. It works…
This is so dopey. The establishment doesn’t dispose of itself. You might as well ask that the next pope be protestant. Stop groveling before your masters, and start to support something else.
They’re practically giving money away! I gotta hurry up and bet fast while the gettins good!
Punters face pressure, and a different field position each time. Place kickers could more easily practice kicking the ball out consistently. A good kicker could keep the receiving team out of the play entirely, unlike a punt.
I get the impression people only vaguely understand what they’re talking about when they start putting torque against horsepower.
People go apeshit because of the overhead storage for carry ons. It’s the worst part about flying. Everything would be a lot easier if the airlines could manage it better.
FAU plays FIU for the Shula bowl, or commuter cup, or whatever it is.