
The prices are opaque and seemingly capricious, constantly fluctuating. How are consumers supposed to know what a fair price is?

The next improvement will be replacing the driver.

Replay is like airport security. Terrible and probably doesn’t make that much of a difference, but people would flip out if it wasn’t there.

The one thing that matters in any negotiation is your ability to walk away and end the relationship, such as it is. If you’re not willing or able to find employment elsewhere, you have a pretty weak position and are dependent on them being charitable.

I don’t buy that last defensive paragraph. There are plenty of other good players with potential who don’t get attention. He gets attention because he’s a “bad boy” and the media seems to think the public loves that kind of stuff. I don’t care about the purity of the game or bougie values type stuff like that, I’m

I know they get covered for different reasons, I’m trying to say that instead of seeing coverage of good players we’re getting coverage of small time players because they provide hot take fodder. Tebow was initially covered because he was popular with Christians, but now he’s famous for being famous like a Kardashian.

I pointed out the unsolicited media obsession over someone who hasn’t accomplished much. I didn’t say they had similar personalities. Get on my level.

He’s the Tebow of tennis. Hasn’t really accomplished much and likely never will, but the media will keep reporting on him in some demented feedback cycle because they think everyone else is too boring.

Everyone likes to make fun of rotaries for burning oil and having bad seals, but none of you are free of sin, you all have oil on your hands!

Are they still saying tannehill just needs good receivers? What does it take to give up on that guy.

It’s sad seeing Landry waste his efforts.

My trick is that I cram everything into a backpack. They never make me check it even when they’ve decided that all carry ons need to be checked, I guess because it could be a personal item that goes under the seat, even though it’s too big for that. There’s always still room in the overheads to jam it in.

Sure there’s worse things that could happen. But it can still be anxiety inducing. The baggage could get taken by someone else. And what if you want to catch a train/bus/shuttle that’s only running every hour or something, and you’re standing at the carousel hoping for the baggage to show up in time.

Count yourself lucky. Happened to me twice a couple of weeks ago. It’s not about the size of the bags. It’s just full flights and not enough space for everyone’s carry on. On my last flight everyone was crowding the gate and the workers had to yell at people to get back and make space. I was near the back and had to

So you can get a spot for your carry on luggage before it fills up and they make you check it.

Boarding later is a bad idea if you only want to do carry on.

You can also tell what party they registered as.

Perhaps they have good reasons for using these actual lanes, rather than hypothetically nice alternatives.

A reminder to never consent to a search. It doesn’t matter if you’re innocent and have nothing to hide.

I don’t get this trope of drinking a cold beer on a bright, hot, summer day for refreshment. In my experience as a Florida Man, that’s a recipe for feeling like shit. I’ll day drink with the best of them, but I have no expectation of feeling refreshed.