
Don’t forget this horror

Man, that image is bad. You can practically see where the artist made a pretty typical looking dog / fox thing with a crystal at the top of its head, and the boss was like “okay, but let’s stretch it’s head straight up in Photoshop so it’s way out of proportion without actually updating the rest of the design to make

Disney, when asked you to get rid of Fox, we meant Fox News.

I know it’s been said, but it bears repeating: You only need to watch everything if, for some reason you feel the need to see the whole, total, 100% story of everything.

You don’t need to do anything. Watching and reading extra materials gives extra context, but you don’t need that extra context to enjoy what The Mandalorian or Star Wars for that matter.

For me, any issues with Double Trouble were wiped away by their final scene where they broke Catra and then revealed that, of course, they were always going to be on the winning side. It was a brilliant twist that we should have seen coming, but didn’t.

Spider Ham vastly predates that. And the Simpsons in general by a couple years.

The Expanse was probably better than Disco this year, and I say that as someone who loves Disco. But on the other hand, Russian Doll was better than either of them. On the third hand, how is The Expanse in the streaming category at all, when I’m pretty sure it aired on SyFy?

Why on earth would they let Frank Miller’s weird, fascist ass anywhere near Superman at this point?

“Frank Miller’s Superman origin, which nobody with any taste asked for”

I actually am finding Superman: Year One pretty interesting and certainly something new from Miller. But it’s also the only Superman book that DC Black Label has so far, while there are already half a dozen Batman books and a couple of Harley Quinn books.

Ok but you should really be reading Immortal Hulk. And if you have the funds, Spider-Man: Life Story and HoX/PoX.

Editorially Marvel isn’t taking sides, but individual books can be political. Ms. Marvel is pretty overt in the current themes in American politics and comes down hard against xenophobia, racism, and scapegoating. The issue right before the 2016 election involved her getting people out to vote against a toxic

No such thing as neutrality or apolitical. Comics have always been political. All products have agendas. They just want to maintain the sick status quo.

I was coming here to chastise Germain for CLEAR Captain Marvel erasure and instead I see this really great comment.

It’s important that it’s a man.

Man, what a time to be alive. And here I thought the past 10 years of Marvel movies were catering to my geeky comic book needs, but between Comic-Con and now D23, there’s more comic shows, cartoons and movies than I can keep track of! 

Spider-verse may be an exception to the rule. Venom only made bank because international box office. I'm very curious to see how cocky Sony is if and when Morbius bombs.

Marvel was pretty clearly banking on having Spidey as their centerpiece character going forward.

If they can fire James Gunn, they could replace Ike or force him to step down if the right pressure is put...