
You know, when Nintendo’s WiiU was a flop and the company’s stock value dropped, Miyamoto and many of the board took a salary cut (Miyamoto’s was 50% iirc) to keep the company going without laying people off or doing of the bullshit WBD is doing. If Zaslak wasn’t a shortsighted capitalistic [censored] [censored]

Clearly this is a follow-up to Rebels with a fan-favorite character more than a spin-off of the Mandalorian.

You clearly have never sat in a movie theater close to a person who won’t stop talking to themselves (including during the ad and trailers section) and making noises with their food packaging.

And from I hear about the prices of food and drink in US theaters, being able to eat your snacks is clearly the economically smarter choice.

Dickinson is probably the only one worthwhile there.

That would require some self-awareness from Snyder.

That’s fair enough, I’ve personally found the Angels themselves to be admittedly creepy and their gimmick is actually scary, but the episode itself to be okay. I think Moffat peaked for me with The Empty Child two-parter.

No to shit on anyone for finding Blink a scary episode, as everyone has a different threshold for scariness, but in my personal experience it’s got absolutely nothing on Midnight.

Not with Kevin Smith at the helm, I don’t think.

Not that kind of a daddy.

I’m sorry, but I find interpretations that view Peter B. Parker as Miles’ father figure a little erroneous.

I think Kraven is going to star in his own solo film. My money is on Scorpion, they already introduced the character in Homecoming.

Hey now, they don’t always cancel shows after 2-3 seasons. Sometimes they do it after one.

Even more accurately, this is turning into an edgier Batman lineup - the only non-Batman related titles that are coming out now or are definitely coming within the foreseeable are this and Frank Miller’s Superman origin, which nobody with any taste asked for. Meanwhile, the KSD and Greg Rucka Wonder Woman titles are

Considering there’s been a deleted scene filmed for Thor Ragnarok that showed Valkyrie being queer - not really. But it’s good that there’s going to be an onscreen queerness, yes.

She’s also releasing new October Daye and InCryptid books and an Alien novel - and that’s on top of the already released Wayward Children novella. She might be the most prolific and consistently high-quality writer whose works I’ve ever read.

I’ll be honest, I think this is another case of a cartoon season split in half by Netflix (like the middle two Voltron seasons), so I’ve felt the pacing was off and that the final episode was more what would pass as a midseason finale in regular TV thank an actual season finale.

Apologies for hyperbole but this has got to be the dullest Star Wars trailer I’ve seen in a long time. Like, the idea is solid, but good God the guy looks and sounds like Starkiller without any “charisma” of the original. That cute droid is more interesting than he is.

IIRC Bendis mentioned that Naomi is released in a season model specifically to let Jamal Campbell do other stuff, so I’m optimistic he’ll be back for season 2.

Yeah, I know they’re owned by them - but they’re a different creative team with its own renown, so I listed them separately.