Can we get Stevenson to do MOTU instead? She could trick me into caring about He-Man beyond his rogues gallery!
Can we get Stevenson to do MOTU instead? She could trick me into caring about He-Man beyond his rogues gallery!
Dude. Fraggle Rock did a more skillful telling of the story TROS wanted to do. Low bar.
Binge watched it over the past two days. I don’t think it could have been any better. If you would have told me a few years back that, a rough and tough big burly man in my 40s would tear up at the finale of a She-Ra cartoon, I would have called you crazy. But here we are.
Quarantine sure has made someone cranky.
Salty much? Portable versions of these games will sell (I’ll be buying Borderlands and Bioshock), get over it.
Man, that image is bad. You can practically see where the artist made a pretty typical looking dog / fox thing with a crystal at the top of its head, and the boss was like “okay, but let’s stretch it’s head straight up in Photoshop so it’s way out of proportion without actually updating the rest of the design to make…
Because you can’t adequately analyze the reaction without giving a shit about the politics, so his point is that he doesn’t actually give a shit about the subject he’s writing about. It’s not a hard to understand point, but it sure is a fucking stupid one.
“He isn’t interested in the actual politics, just the reaction.”
People get his point. It just that his point is dumb, and they’re trying to get him to admit that it’s dumb.
I think I am an absurdist. I think politics are ridiculous.
I’m so sorry.
Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s…
I’ve been waiting for the Schreier breakdown of how this fell apart far more than the game itself.
Yes, it is, don’t go to a hate-based church, question answered?
I’m not a like, huge Chris Pratt fan, and I don’t begrudge him being all Jesus-y, if it helped him through stuff. It’s just...I dunno, maybe he should just straight up say “I’m against gay conversion therapy, which is a despicable, hurtful practice,” or even just sit down with Ellen Page to talk. I get the desire to…
So I’m not shocked at all that the response doesn’t include any real denial of Page’s criticism.
“that specific kind of modern Disney “live-action” where 90 percent of the characters are computer-animated version of the company’s classic animated characters.”
“odds are decent that, if something’s popular or getting serious critical buzz right now, Thompson’s in there somewhere”
Just ask Janelle Monae ZING!