
Fuck Konami.

Konami is Konami and Konami is the worst.

13 lines for three sentences is a bit much.

It’s hard to be shocked at a horrible thing someone’s done when that person’s been telling you for four-plus years that he’s going to do exactly that thing. In the time that—for their sins—Americas has been under the shadow of a Donald Trump administration, the plain fact that he would never, ever, under no

On one hand, you’re right: you can change the wheels. It even comes with the stock ones. On the other hand, the fact that it wears these wheels tells you something about the current owner. And that thing it tells me is that I don’t want this guy’s truck. 

I guess, like the old F-4 Phantom, you can make anything fly if you put enough power in it. But this thing is frickin’ useless as a truck. And it’s way too clumsy and heavy for a hot rod.

This thing doesn’t have a single saving grace. It should be crushed.

THOSE wheels?? A mall-poser to the nth degree.

Except it definitely is.

No, it’s completely fake. Some people posted a bunch of pictures of maggots and shit crawling out of people’s skin, said “If you are afraid of these images, you have a phobia of small holes,” which is extremely stupid because that’s gross and disgusting and scary to everyone, and a bunch of people self-diagnosed

Trypophobia is made-up internet meme, like hating the word “moist” or having strong feelings about pineapple on pizza.

THIEF 1: We’re getting away by driving over the mountains! Which way to Angeles Crest?

Now playing

Hellcat, but with a trunk with a fuel cell for extra range.

Hm. The ViagraRaptor?

But I think he needs all the help he can get considering his dick is marshmellow soft.

LA/OC - where you squeeze in what you want to watch around car chase notifications.

a turning radius somewhere between a container ship and a mid-century ranch house”

It was at this very moment when the thief realized that he should have spent more time on Jalopnik studying up on turning radius.