
I don’t hate MacFarlane and think he has talent (as well as coming off as a reasonably smart person in most interviews I’ve seen of him), but to say the guy hasn’t slummed for some very cheap, lazy, lowest common denominator jokes throughout his career (too many to count, really) would just be a lie.

I think maybe Seth is feeling nostalgic for the days when he was Fox’s golden boy. He sure had no problem being on the network back when he had four different shows running on there at the same time.

He has nothing to do with a show he created, wrote multiple episodes of, has acted in every single episode of, and is executive producer of to this day?

Reading some of the posts here, it’s clear that Family Guy can be enjoyed more if you take the stick out of your ass.

I don’t hate him but wow your comment has gone way too far into defense land. He may not be a writer on family guy, but he is the creator, top billed executive producer, owner of the production company, and voice of multiple characters. It’s not like he sold the show and has no clue what’s going on with it or power

Friends whose opinions I trust tell me The Orville is good so it’s on my list of shows I need to check out but near the bottom.  

Look, I know a lot of people are going to (rightly) point out that Macfarlane doesn’t take nearly as active a role in his animation endeavors these days, but all I’m saying is that it’s a ballsy move for the creator/executive producer/half the voice cast of Family Guy to talk shit about pandering to the lowest common

He had nothing to do with it? Surely as the creator of the show and the actor who portrays two of the main characters, he has some say in what the show is like, even if he doesn’t have a hand in the writing now.

Maybe that’s just his pick-up line.

What the fuck is wrong with these people!?

This very morning, cycling along minding my own business in the bike lane. Stop at a red light. Guy pulls up at the light and shouts “fag”. Nobody else in the car to “impress” - just a weird hatred of people getting some exercise.

The only reason he had a F1 ride was daddy’s criminally-acquired money. And Magnussen is a far, far better driver, as he demonstrated yesterday in Australia.

As usual, I don’t think Nikita Mazepin is going to get the point.

Hopefully he never races again. He was unsafe to have on the track and made each race worse to watch (until he crashed and DNF’ed).

Well that spun out of control.

Oh noes. I hope Mazepin didn’t leave his Grand Prix trophies in Italy.

This deserves all the (somewhat aligned) stars

While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.

If anything, that would make me MORE worried since it’s built by hand by people who KNOW that it’ll be a demo/shown to the public, and they still didn’t give enough of a shit to make the panels line up.

Why on Earth would you even show this thing in that condition? That mirror is straight up broken. This is supposed to get people excited?