
Are you sure about that? Venezuela leads the world in mass shootings, despite a total ban on civilian gun ownership, and of course Mexico is also a consistent leader in homicide despite some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. The problem with stuff like this is another word that starts with G,

Jalopnik: We hate people with money, cars, trucks and EVs But we love brown stickshift wagons, reposting 7 year old posts and slideshows.

Every vehicle on sale should be tailored to me: a young, broke, urban, liberal

Jalopnik: We hate people with money, cars, trucks and EVs But we love brown stickshift wagons, reposting 7 year old posts and slideshows.

I really hate this thing, but I’d rather see a Hummer EV over a coal rolling F350 brodozer with a Carolina squat that has never hauled a thing in its life.

The best way to showcase how superior your gender is via taunting? You do you, classy.

Toughen up a bit men”

Imagine a guy “joking” about how he prefers skinny chicks and says “fat women don’t have human rights”. He would also be immediately fired, this is equality

Flip it around, a guy saying women with smaller breasts than a c cup have no human rights. How well would that go?

I’m not a licensed financial adviser, but you can take this advice to heart:

This whole article is bait.

Not obese enough.

Great job HD!

Funny thing is that most crypto bros like yourself are just Zoomers trying to delude yourself and everyone else into thinking NFTs or whatever garbage coin you’re pushing is the next bitcoin because you’re depressed about missing out on it.

And yet not one mention of what NFTs are actually good for. Lots of accusations of ignorance yet zero demonstrations of knowledge. What utter trite.

BUT I thought we were still early???!!?!? Which is it? Should I have fun staying poor or should I jump in because its still early.

More of the “you just don’t understand it yet” argument from the crypto bros.

I remember when Steam was called a scam because Valve could go out of business along with your entire library of games.

And yet, once again, you’ve failed to provide any examples of exactly how nfts will benefit games.

I totally agree with the assessment on NFTs.