
Neutral: I mean, the ‘ole ‘Rona has been absolutely brutal on a huge amount of people, but it’s only been an inconvenience for a lot of people as well. Heck, there’s a lot of people that have wound up with extra spending cash from not going out and doing as much. A lot of this rebound is probably based on purchases

Fewer people want to take public transit during a pandemic, and with dramatically lower vacation expenses, time to buy a car.

The PS5 is literally the exact same issue.  Limited harddrive space, and standard externals are only viable for PS4 software, not PS5.  You’ll have to buy a very expensive SSD designed to work for the PS5 in order to have more digital storage space for PS5 games.’ll have enough room for Modern Warfare...and nothing else?

We love you Mercedes, but the “Holy Grail” would be the wagon W8 Passat.

He is a slave for choosing a second job at Uber to voluntarily pay for 3 daughters in college? Better send the government in to liberate him lol.

My Uber drivers the week before the election suggested voting “yes.” I didn’t see a gun to their heads. While I do think those drivers could probably get paid better, as someone who does a lot of freelance and pays for my own healthcare I see driving for Uber like one of those envelope-stuffing jobs—if you’re doing it

Fwiw.. I think that their business model sucks... but voluntary gig workers still are voluntary and can leave if they dont like what they agreed to work for.

if your business model only works because you use slave labor and treat employees like shit then your business model doesnt work at all.


They are slaves? No.. it is by choice. Actual slaves  would be horrified that you made this comparison and you should be ashamed.

Correct. If you decide to take ”gig” work... don’t complain about not having full benifits that a fulltime job offers and then cry to the .gov that you need them.

Excuse me? Some of us who live in California can read the ballot propositions and decide on our own what’s good for our state. Gig apps shouldn’t be full time jobs. Gig is right there in the name. I’m done with this site and it’s BS condescending articles.

I saw some No on 22, but we’re talking a 9-1 ratio if not higher.

I’d wager most Californians voted it down because they know it will mean either the end of the services or an big increase in prices.

Looks like you can still buy a law in California, it is just a lot more expensive than it used to be.

Good. Uber and Lyft started as something you could do “on the side.” Then, somehow, people decided to make this their main, if not only, source of income. After doing that, they realized it was not a good idea to do so and started complaining about not getting benefits and not being considered an employee.

Everyone knew that if prop 22 didn’t pass there would be no more ubers and no more food delivery.

Someone is salty about pure democracy. 

Another great reason not to punch a cop