for a second I thought josie was the girl with no eyes by the fire that coop bumps into in ep 3 of the return.
for a second I thought josie was the girl with no eyes by the fire that coop bumps into in ep 3 of the return.
Diane I am holding in my hand a box of small chocolate bunnies…
I did not consider the violence toward women to be "casual." But, then again, I'm a dude.
Are you speaking specifically of when coop offs his accomplice?
I love the call backs to the first few episodes: A girl murdered, an obviously innocent suspect with a sketchy alibis because he obviously has much to hide, infidelity, layer upon layer of deceit in a small town…
list of songs redone arguably better than the original but inarguably "made their own" by the cover artist:
Whitney Houston's "I Will always Love You"
Beatles "Twist and Shout"
Grateful Dead "going down the road feelin bad"
Joe Cocker "with a little Help from my Friends"
Jimi Hendrix "All Along the Watchtower"
*throws coffee mug across the room*
yeah, that's silly but if you pay attention that kinda stuff is pouring out of everyone's mouth… when you have Alan Dershowitz saying of Trumps disclosure of intel on ISIS to the Russians that it's "the most serious charge ever leveled against a sitting president of the United States, " you just have to shake your…
"in all likely hood." I wouldn't go so far as to say that's a supposition as there is room there for doubt. The original supposition was that this was a liberal, whiney family and the odds are, geographically and demographically (white family, Hunting Beach, represented in congress by Dana Rohrbacher who usually…
Sigh. I'm not saying they deserve this. I'm responding to the "snowflake" comment. id think that in context the following would be apparent but let me spell it out anyway:
The family was from Huntington Beach and almost assuredly Trump supporters.
I don't know. Most people would classify Dead Heads naming their children names like "Bertha," "Cassidy," or "Althea," as a better life choice than actually becoming a Dead Head in the first place.
In November 2015 I stated to anyone that would listen that I not only thought Trump was going to win the nomination and the presidency, but that I was just starting to come to terms with his re-election. That process finished on election night last year. He will win reelection, possibly even with a popular vote…
I know I am in the minority but I found season 2 of Serial compelling. Loved it.
Taking away the threat ISIS poses to people in specific Middle-Eastern countries, it has been a threat to the West almost exclusively as an inspiration for home-grown threats. So, towards THAT end (inspiration, recruiting) I'd argue it's actually more of a panacea than a useful tool.
I don't really fault the lyrics for being offensive. Offensive art that flies in the face of one's beliefs, morals or ethics can be engaging and even beautiful. This is neither engaging nor poetic. Just dog shit. It doesnt get better when you listen to it, either. Formulaic melodies etc.
Well then let them hit the plains of Afghanistan with nothing but a rusty claymore and some Hylian trousers and knock themselves out.
No, let's indeed jump to conclusions.
I read that book last fall. Amazing read. Surprised AV Club didn't Amazon link it.
I went ahead and up-voted him. The "1" just seemed so pitiful.
No doubt. The way they only gave Jen Kirkman's new Netlfix special a "B+" you'd think they want to repeal the 19th amendment…