
Someone on another board commented that diane's wardrobe seems to jump around, but I havent bothered going back to confirm.

Honestly the habenjero sculpin was my favorite beer for almost a year.

Welcometotwinpeaks has reveled the last episode title as "what's your name?"

Collusion? Where? Hacking DNC servers and/or the dissemination of that intel? For the attempted hacking of certain states voting systems? I seriously doubt it. Financial shenanigans? Almost assuredly. But this is nothing new in politics and is certainly not endemic to just one family or party in Washington.

I think you've fallen for a trick. No one can get a Range Rover for like $8k.

Is this an argument for Trump's idea to loosen liable laws? Politics makes strange bedfellows.

He was head of US Southern Command, which, according to Wiki is "responsible for providing contingency planning, operations, and security cooperation for Central and South America, the Caribbean (except US commonwealths, territories, and possessions), their territorial waters, and for the force protection of US

Please. If the pee tape existed we would have seen it by now. We need to stop clinging to this false hope of impeachable offenses and start focusing winning midterms or else this shit is gonna get way worse.

That's a MAN, baby!

That's an interesting take. Moderates would probably exclude their own district as far as hate for the poors, and, by extension, exclude their district in their hatred for "wasteful government spending."

I always rationalized his existence because he had people on the show that the greater audience needed to hear. People that may not reach the NPR/Daily show liberal crowd like Shane Bauer, Jeremy Scahill and Matt Taibbi. But it looks like at least the first 2 wont be back. And it's been forever since he had on

Imagine was the first and best Hatesong article. It's such a crap song. Junior high level poetry and a trite melody.

I finally watched all of Twin Peaks:the missing pieces. It was satisfying.

I'm hoping this is the first crossover with Netflix and its daredevil.

You see, it's funny because in the middle of this slog of a post painting all liberals with one brush as crazy and bloodthirsty you interject as one of their sins the use of "hyperbole."

Armed insurrectionists. We can't be snowflakes and armed insurrectionists. That's a competing narrative. Pick one.

If this is you at full cognizance, I'd hate to see dementia creep in.

Are you implying that someone named "miracle mike" just may be selling snake oil?

You know the thing about liberals is they totally on focus on the events that support their narrative and will ignore anything that's happened that challenge it.