Do you honestly not understand that, to pro-life people, abortion constitutes the murder of a fetus? To them, it’s obviously the state’s “fucking business,” and isn’t just a simple matter of someone’s bodily choice.
Do you honestly not understand that, to pro-life people, abortion constitutes the murder of a fetus? To them, it’s obviously the state’s “fucking business,” and isn’t just a simple matter of someone’s bodily choice.
They have typically artificially selected whiteness
“Heteronormative” doesn’t mean what you think it means.
You can only tolerate being friends with people who think/feel exactly like you do? You sound horrible.
Amazing what the right hair can do. She wasn’t anywhere near as stunning on The Tudors.
Making voters who were already going to vote for you feel smug and self-satisfied while shitting on everyone else?
A “little” more PC?
What is that difference?
In addition, these same people crying persecution are 100% A-OK with a gun store refusing to serve Muslims, but if a Muslim shop owner refused to serve Christians, they’d lose their minds.
how the fuck would anyone know if jeebus is a man or woman?
Whatever. You’re being purposefully obtuse if you don’t see how condescending that offer of “help” is.
No, I’m not. I don’t take videos of concerts; I think it’s stupid. I hate the people you’re talking about. But there are also plenty of people who hold their phones reasonably, in a way that doesn’t disrupt the enjoyment of people behind them.
Um, yes, they explicitly are: “Maybe that is not the priority right now. Maybe you need to dance or I don’t know. Do something, that enables a little bit more of yourself and your buddies.” They are literally saying that experiencing the show their way is “more” of an experience than standing there with your phone.…
I’m glad you’re getting to see a band you like. Make sure to take lots of pics!
THAT’S YOU. That’s how YOU want to experience things. There are lots of people (particularly young people) who can simultaneously be “in the moment” while recording it on their phone. Who are you to say that those people are having a less authentic experience than you are? Stop being the fun police, it doesn’t hurt…
You’re conflating two different things. Me thinking they’re a shitty hipster band has nothing to do with the obnoxiousness of telling your fans how to experience your concert. If my favorite artists did something similar, I would also say that it’s obnoxious and pretentious.
What pretentious jerk-offs. Apparently (for reasons inexplicable to me), some people actually pay money to see your shitty hipster band, and if they want to take some fucking pictures on their phone they should be able to. Fuck you for telling them how they have to “enjoy” your concert.
This is the stupidest fucking argument tactic on the internet. By that logic, you can never critique any movie unless you’ve directed one yourself. Or any music unless you’ve recorded an album yourself. Or any comic unless you’ve drawn one yourself.