Mrs. Fingerbottom

I don’t think she was being shady. I think she just means that the halftime show is a spectacle and the focus isn’t on the songs. She criticizes people in her audience who are on their phone, so I don’t think she would want to stand in the middle of a big field surrounded by hundreds of dancers and animatronic

I know! I was unaware that certain defendants were entitled to a freebie if it’s only their first rape. “OK, no prison for you this time, but just be sure not to rape anybody again...or just don’t get caught next time. We would hate to send you to prison with the bad people. You don’t belong there, you’re just a

I’m in my early thirties, and after some detours (starting with a nonacademic career first and having two kids) I’m now in my dream job, being a fully funded on my own project, research only, no teaching unless I want to, PhD Student. And I feel as you describe, part impostery, part incredibly proud of where I am. But

It is. At my nephew’s last birthday there was ONE KID who came diving enthusiastically at the veggie plate shouting, “I LOVE CARROTS!” but then he double-dipped and any admiration I had for his eating habits evaporated.

Right? It's like a coffee table book about coffee tables.

I am alarmed at the suggestion that bringing a bottle of booze is insufficient without fucking with it first.

Is this the place to announce my hatred for chicken wings. Why are they? What is the point?


Not gonna lie...when we were interviewing potential tenants for our rental I snuck in a few of my own ‘How do you feel about the phrase ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ and ‘how do you feel about chalkboards?’ The tenants we have moving in next month said ‘What, those tacky things people put on their walls’ and I

I know this (literally) pales in comparison

A friendly reminder that Marco Rubio only appears reasonable and centrist when standing next to a sunburned blob of surplus american cheese that fell of a truck into the road 3 weeks ago.

“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life,” he said.

She’s the best, and I love anyone who’s trying to get the conversation going about the destigmatization of mental illness

It’s a children’s book. Right there. You could add a couple of lines, but really, for a board book, that’s all you’d need. And, best part, we already have the illustrations!!

The Tomb of the Unknown Village People Member.

Celeron’s got nothing on Nashville.

Personally, I will be boycotting the NBC Olympic broadcasts until every graphic is done in pink, cursive writing with lots of hearts and flowers. Any of the following is acceptable:

I don’t know anyone like that. I do know lots of people who like to point out vegans/vegetarians and make comments about how much they love bacon and blood. And post memes about caricatures of vegans/vegetarians. Everyone else seems to not talk about it and get on with their day.

How did Christopher Walken—CHRISTOPHER WALKEN—skate with a pass on the “how the hell did he decide to do this” question? I mean, this is a man who is legendarily mesmerizing on-screen. How did he decide, “Yes! Yes, I will be the magical pet store owner who transforms Kevin Spacey into a cat to teach him lessons about

I have absolutely no proof of this whatsoever, but I blame SATC for the whole asshole waxing thing.