This comment needs more stars and to be higher up the kew.
This comment needs more stars and to be higher up the kew.
THIS. The whole article is a veiled tantrum about 25 year old women not being interested in them anymore. If they cared so much about having a family they could marry a woman their age, take all the money they earned focusing on career, and use alternative avenues for creating a family
No sympathy whatsoever. The first guy that you mention - the hair dresser admits that one option is to go out and have sex with a random girl. Maybe if he treated women as human emotional beings worthy of investing time and energy in getting to know instead of an “option” he wouldn’t be the single guy with a bunch of…
That’s the logical reason to wait until one’s 30s, not to stay single into one’s 40s and then portray one’s life as a Greek tragedy.
To quote a friend, it’s been fascinating to watch him turn into a human avatar for Reddit. In all honesty though, I’ll be interested in what he has to show for himself when he’s not so desperate to look cool. Also:
I completely understand that this must feel incredibly shitty for Gutierrez, and I actually agree with her that the way the organization handled it was weirdly incompetent, but am I the only person who feels like she could be, I dunno, more gracious and good-humored about the whole thing? I mean, no one ‘took your…
Wait, what?????!!! I thought she designed sofas or something.
No, she means the general population being unable to differentiate between a joke that pokes fun at the asshole vs. a joke made at the expense of an entire group of people because the joke deals with race in some manner.
I love how molesting a bunch of little girls (mainly his sisters, one of whom was only 5) is not as bad as the cheating. Raise your hand if you’d much, much, rather you found out your spouse cheated on you than sexually abused a number of kids? I might be hurt about cheating, but I could see working past it. I would…
this makes me so uncomfortable to hear about, i cannot even watch the video. i’m cringing so much.
Wow. Yes, #girlpower and huge S/O to women stacking $$$$ through continuing their father’s v savvy exploitation and oppression of their subjects. Really very inspiring. Lemme just add this to my #goals.
For the uninitiated, the book—which is a relatively short 28 pages
I’d rather see “child of a Pinterest mom”.
I regret that Nicole Kidman lost that amazing red hair throughout their marriage
And a couple more short ones, just because the plethora of weird sex dreams I have could become a novel.
1) I was fucked by the entire cast of Magic Mike on the floor while surrounded by the entirety of my male friend group from college (15+guys).
Coldplay is playing the Super Bowl
And if they had consented to having their images used in such a manner.
More like Van Der PEEN, amirite ladies?
...she’s 23? And she’s a pop star in her on right AND she has written hits for other women AND she’s opening her own dialogue about feminisim?