My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.
featuring several of your favorite musicians and Ed Sheeran.
My goodness. Miley sure is shaking up my square, conformist mindset. Has anyone seen my envelopes? Because I think they’ve all been pushed.
This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s so like nu metal
Agreed. If it’s overwrought, let’s cut her some slack—she’s a kid. Most of us were like that at 18.
I found out last week that I am pregnant after my partner and I spent close to a year trying to conceive. I am overjoyed, elated, excited yada yada, but TBH I already hate being pregnant. I’m hoping much of this will pass once I get to the second trimester, but I feel terrible 100% of the time.
I hope it helps you to know that in my group of friends this is very common in terms of behavior and experience. Girls often come into their sexuality clueless but curious and enjoy the sense of power it makes them feel, but it’s like a baby with a gun, they usually end up hurting themselves. That’s why it’s important…
Um, no.
Ms. Greer has been a valued voice, but this ongoing transphobia from fellow second-wavers is disappointing and discouraging. Move into the twenty-first century, please.
Same thing that’s happened to Elizabeth Berkley, you barely work again because you’ve achieved absolute perfection and Hollywood is too intimidated.
Sure, when Justin Bieber goes outside naked and people see him it’s a violation of his privacy. When I go outside my front door in my underwear and people see me I’m “drunk and disorderly” and “no longer welcome at public parks.”
It was fun until they started adding gimmicks, especially the social media aspect. Who gives a rat’s ass what gurlcutie83 or hotdudez69 thinks about Shannnynn’s (or whoever’s) inability to “work it?” Are they experts like Noted Fashion Photographer Nigel Barker? I think not.
This is mean and awful. No one should be placing blame on this girl. I don’t care what people think of her and her family. I stayed in an awful and abusive relationship for years because I was afraid that my leaving or whatever would set up something like this. This is a grown man responsible for himself and his own…
Anyone else getting REAL tired of people in athleisure attire trying to assert their need for you to worship them?
I have severe arachnophobia, which comes from living in Japan and those giant banana spiders. But cut to middle school in central Florida.
One night I was cleaning out the garage and I saw this spider with a gigantic butt, naturally i freaked out and backed into a corner. I started throwing things at it. I finally…
Next can we talk about people who pick the pepperoni off and eat it separately from the pizza? I used to work with a woman who would take all the pepperoni off, set it on the plate, eat the pizza, and then nibble on the pepperoni like a freaking rat.
Can you imagine trying to get through an essay from high school aged Jewel? Jesus, girl.
Things I hate to admit (journalist here):