
No good comes when your tremper gets the best of you though.

You remember that Sunday morning, two months after dad left, you wake up and notice mom’s hair is seriously mussed, and then you walk into the kitchen and dad is making eggs like the past eight weeks never happened . . .

Buster Busted By Beanball Because Brinson Beef Briefly Burned Bright

This is...SnortsCenter

Lol hockey, whatever that is .

I was in Milwaukee for a work thing a few years ago, and every morning, we’d sit around this huge boardroom table and all the fat motherfuckers would have like 3 diet cokes in front of them, and us west coast guys had coffee.

Oh come on, nobody believes you’ve got friends.

No need to get all red in the face, at least they relocated the family.

Racism? At an Indians game?

Big deal. There wasn’t even a wrecked Volkswagen in his way.

Boyz N2 the Hood

You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

The old gypsy woman told him that his MLB debut call up wasn’t going to happen in April as he hoped.

“potentially the ability to hold his own at the plate”

Drew agrees with you.

Gotta say, I’m surprised. That’s a pretty good view from the nosebleed section.

Can they just fucking chill? I’m only going to eat them

Man, they’ve had a lotta doofuses in Cleveland before, but this guy is really the chief yahoo.