
So he didn’t get Amazon to fill the potholes. Craig filled them in. TikToker guy committed return fraud and filmed it (if he actually even sent it). Amazon also didn’t pay tax. And once they see this video, they will reverse the refund transaction (Yes, they can do that). People have been doing Amazon return fraud for

Save money with this easy tip: CRIME

His name is Lance.

The answer is obvious: the writer needs to get her own priorities straight, dump that asshole, and use the incident to get sole custody of the child!

I want my window switches replaced with capacitive touch screens. Also the pedals. If you could replace the seats with capacitive touch screens that would be great, too. That way my seats can be any color I’m feeling on that particular day. While you’re at it, do we really need a steering wheel? I should be able to

If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...

That are not wrong. Boeing should be out of business. I don’t care how important they are for NASA and the Pentagon. If my Lehman Brothers can disappear, so can this enterprise. And last I checked, the house of Lehman didn’t kill anyone.

How far back you going cause some of the articles written about Walker touching girls go back to 2018. Give it some time, maybe a decade of bitching at the sky will make the world change.

Typical PA driver is in left lane doing under the speed limit. Or maybe that’s just when they come to NJ.

So.... just a typical Pennsylvania driver?

You are assuming the folks who vote for him don’t know this. They want other people to hurt like they hurt. They’re perfectly happy with burning the whole fucking thing to the ground because their shit burnt up long ago and they’ve been standing out in the cold watching everyone else not give a shit about them.

a tonne of them are fat as fuck too. 

Fuck off. It’s a miracle if cops even get moved to another town, let alone face any real consequences.

Aww the cop among us is offended.

All cops are lazy.

Found the cop.

I would agree but history has shown us that cops are not held accountable and when they are people like you complain and say it is unfair and they were just doing their job.

What’s the reason for police to need to be driving ON the actual beach, a place where people are likely to be lying down in the sand and difficult for a truck to see?

How American of you.

Zamora from Jalisco?  This is a cartel operation.