
Um, good?

The same people who bitch endlessly about politicians being corrupt and useless are the people who vote for reagan over Carter and trump over Biden, and somehow never make the connection.

The answer is always enshitification. Always.

It seems Honda is being forced by the Japanese government.

You aren’t going to believe this, but Senna and Schumacher were also insufferable assholes. 

Since the metric is fatalities per miles driven, it’s not surprising the list is comprised mainly of popular commuter cars (big numerator) , or cars that have very few miles (little denominator).

Oh, I see.  No Stellantis product will last ten years.

Failure to appear should be considered contempt of court.

Fuck Elon.  Bury him and his company into the ground.

Even without magnets, the Cybertruck is still pretty polarizing...

the problem is that I don’t think you need a CDL to operate even a large one.”

The January 2023 crash happened in Louisville, N.Y., between a bus transporting workers and a box truck.”

Yet another poorly researched piece with zero evidence. We are do not have the highest rate of traffic deaths by any measure including per capita or per km driven. Despite trying to use the “gotcha” statistic of “developed nation,” there are plenty of those with higher traffic death rates. We are number 9 per km

Want to reduce that number? It’s simple — get rid of the NHSTA and/or just stop reporting numbers. That’s how we kept the Covid death toll so low here in FL!

I still don’t understand how MAGAs think tariffs are a good thing.

Am I the only one that hates these slideshow articles? It reminds me of the clickbait articles that are like, “you’ll never believe what happened to so and so from that show you watched as a teen” and then it takes fifteen pages of filler material to find out they’re in jail.

I understand a lot of the concerns around speed cameras, and in general I’m opposed. But in all the outrage expressed in the comment sections of the news articles here in Rochester, none of the outrage was that SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE ARE SPEEDING THROUGH THE SCHOOL ZONES.

This. I got hit with three photos tickets in the same place over two weeks before I got a single letter in the mail. At least when a cop pulls you over, you know instantly what to watch out for 

For every $50 fine paid, $17 goes to the city, and $33 goes to the camera company.

I honestly don’t like speed cams at all as I don’t think they really do anything, especially when you live close to another state or district (Hello DC!). But the fact that of the $50, the private company gets $33 is just insane. The money should mostly go to the city to then make the school zones safer, until ticket