
Yes. Property Management Companies and the board of most Home Owner Associations...

Cool, thanks for confirming that it is.

As Ben Elton said “As a comedian the only bit of truth is I tell lies. Imagine a joke if it had to be the truth: Bloke walks into a pub, has a pint, fucks off again. Brilliant!”

If you think this guy has a point, you are an anti-semite.  There is nothing to the point of view that circumcision is harmful, mutilation, or anything, it’s just propaganda.  I mean, it protects you from disease but that’s beside the (trimmed) point.  The point is that people oppose it because Jews.

Well, considering actual medical studies have proven that male circumcision reducing sensitivity is a myth and that it has religious and cultural significance in Jewish, Islamic, and many non-Western cultures (and it is more prominent in Africa and the Middle East than either the US or Canada), I’d say you not

Okay see this is why nobody takes you seriously because FGM is SO MUCH worse, and designed deliberately to A) make women incapable of feeling sexual pleasure (not that it necessarily works, I’m not clear on this) and B) enforce virginity until marriage. Like you’re comparing an outdated and unnecessary medical

Well, not everyone can be as unbearably pious as you, so.

Dude I want your elbow.

So...what are we waiting for?!

Should I post a photo of my college degree every time I write an article?

This. A lot of the board members are execs elsewhere or retired. Keeping the gravy train going for a CEO ensures they keep their own income going.

Or maybe it’s a club they all belong to where they sit on each others boards and make sure they have ridiculous pay pakages and golden parachutes without shame. By tying their grotesque salaries to stock price they are motivated by one thing: Short term greed. You’re a tool if you think they actually add that much

Musicians are sad and play guitar and appeal to a male-oriented audience. Non-musicians are everyone else.

forced-fake sex appeal of Spears and Aguiler”

I will not sit idly by while you besmirtch The Fatboys

In fairness, Davis might be one of those “bad apples” that (despite a long string of previous infractions) was totally unpredictable and (despite all the assistance and cover he received from his colleagues) is totally aberrant and (despite many officers with similar cases) is not at all reflective of the force.

Any other troopers who were present and failed to stop Davis from assaulting and kidnapping his ex should be brought up on charges as well. 

A reminder for everyone: Jeep raised their prices more than nearly any other manufacturer over the past four years. To a large degree, these discounts are not real discounts; they are Jeep prices simply going back to where they were just a short time ago.

I’m good, thanks, but if I ever need a painfully slow and overweight jack-of-no-trades unaerodynamic lump of 9MPG-getting dogshit I’ll have this and most of Jeep’s catalogue to consider.

See I find this hilarious, Jeep fans have been screaming for a Jeep pickup version for what a couple decades, Jeep caves and builds one and it sells like shit.