
I got one as a basic rental car, and at the time it was the most powerful car I had ever driven.

They do the same thing any military in history has done: they subsidize business interests by securing resources and trade through use of force. They’re an economic tool used to secure your freedom to buy shit and supply profits to the wealthy.

Five Guys costs about 2x as much as In-N-Out

If you paid for a seat that reclines, recline it all the way.

Your diagram is not to scale, unless there’s an airline with human sized seats that I don’t know about, or your passengers are hobbits.

Fuck off, scab

But I wanted a single cab long bed with vinyl interior, no radio, no AC, no power steering, drum brakes all around, manual transmission, manual windows, manual heater, and seatbelt delete. Also I’ll only be buying this used 5 years from now.

Seatbelts are not 100% effective. The NHSTA lied to the public. You all are just virtue signaling.

It looks stupid as hell but so do most car modifications.

How does American get away with those bullshit seats designed for lilliputians  and charge similar fares to United and Delta?

Just remember she’s from Orange County and nothing else will surprise you.

There’s no actual data indicating Reagonomics was successful, through luck or otherwise.

Of course it was planned, the last line in the song - “‘Cause I gotta have you naked by the end of this song”

I think its for people who use iPhone and Twitter, and not people who use Android and Facebook.

For me, this guy

Turbo 4's have been around for years, millions of cars 100k-200k miles

Same thing here. My wife’s Ford Edge 2.0 gets 15 mpg city in the hills around town, my V6 Chevy Colorado gets 14 mpg. Hers is rated 20 city, mine 17. Less of a disparity with the V6, but the turbo does better at high altitude.

Always wanted a modern Rocket Jockey

EPA fleet average fuel economy requirements

Note the lack of vines from this Streetview image - a car goes through this wall about once a year. There’s a big hole in it now in real life.