If you’re going to do that kind of thing regularly, you can probably alleviate some of those issues by using a more aggressive tire, slowing down, and taking better lines.
If you’re going to do that kind of thing regularly, you can probably alleviate some of those issues by using a more aggressive tire, slowing down, and taking better lines.
Hit it, Joe!
Producing hydrogen this way takes a lot of energy. Energy which would be more efficient to use to directly drive the ship, rather than lost through a series of steps to convert it to hydrogen to produce energy to drive the ship.
“classical liberal” is just shorthand for “conservative libertarian nutjob”
The human body replaces all of its cells roughly every seven years. Are you really you?
Yeah we should struggle more and live in poverty.
I drove through there one time cruising at 85 in the right lane and was getting passed regularly.
Around here in Southern California, its the far right lane near the exits and onramps.
Also you can exit the back seat of a Bolt in the event of a total power failure without solving three riddles.
The entire gulf coast.
Oh come now, its been a joke name for a lot longer than that - https://www.dailybulletin.com/2012/02/25/bugs-daffy-porky-and-mr-leghorn-in-cucamonga/
That’s pretty strange. My company does zoom and teams without video. I’ve been on video maybe once this whole year.
$10 billion? So that’s like one highway?
It’s weird that head trauma never seems to make people more liberal.
“legacy OEMs”
Sounds sane and normal.
Yes but can you get out of the back seat in the event of a power outage?
Make sure you put a length of steel pipe on the end of that for extra leverage.
These purity tests are why we don’t have more progressive representation in government.
I got out on the trails around Big Bear, CA this weekend in the snow. The brand new Wrangler Unlimiteds and Gladiators on gigantic tires were driving too slow, and wouldn’t move over at all when you passed each other in opposite directions. The kids in beat up pickups were driving too fast around blind corners. The…
Belt broke, lost power steering, went into the ditch