
Tough Guys was fun.

Steroids are a hell of a drug.

Its screwing up the economy because doctors and people with engineering degrees aren’t buying cars or houses or having kids either. Be ignorant though.

I bought TSLA at $250 ish 5 years ago and sold it that year when it was around $220 ish. Never bought back in. I don’t feel bad.

Lock her up.

Coal is renewable, just on a different time scale.

Pro pulling through. Against backing in.

ok boomer

36 year old millennials with mortgages, marriages, and children are still viewed as children themselves.

The individual mandate was inserted by the insurance industry - the only way they could increase coverage and keep their profits was to make sure everyone paid in. We always knew it wouldn’t stick. You can do this through taxes to fund a national government healthcare program, but you can’t force someone to buy

Call me ignorant, but why is the rape case being handled by the university and not the police?

They have a prestigious football team.

I’m just posting to agree with and emphasize your point that the crepes are light and delicate and you can eat half a pan of these without feeling like you swallowed a bowling ball, and I wouldn’t touch one of those pasta tubes with a ten foot pole.

Oh come on, there are much better ways to do that than through blockchain.

Ms Lint was great.

Its way too similar to The Boys, though, not enough space to keep them both around.

Yes but think about how much more money the guy who owns the car for hire service can make if he doesn’t have to pay for employees.

That’s great, you’ll be able to have an open casket funeral after suffering from internal decapitation.

Good luck with those 90s Ford transmissions.

- You’re off the ground
- Can camp anywhere
- All self contained
- Looks cool
- Expensive
- Have to pack everything up if you want to drive anywhere
- Being off the ground makes night-peeing difficult, isn’t dog friendly, raises your vehicle’s center of gravity, limits the tent’s sleeping capacity, and places you