Agreed. I’ve done the 405 stop go in a stick. Did it suck? Yes. Was it more sucky with a stick? Only a little. Was it so sucky that I’d get rid of my stick? No.
Agreed. I’ve done the 405 stop go in a stick. Did it suck? Yes. Was it more sucky with a stick? Only a little. Was it so sucky that I’d get rid of my stick? No.
All of these are dead wrong - the dude’s completely upending his life and moving to a very different place. So he has no idea what his needs will be. He might find that he’ll take up surfing, or mountain biking, or motocross. He might decide that he wants to spend lots of time in the desert camping and gazing at the…
David says “I find myself in a similar spot, Matthew, in that recent life events have driven me to seek, in some ways, a hard-reset.”
You don’t commute. Or you have a short one? If you can choose when to drive, it’s fine.
Eh. Lots of us don’t mind sticks in traffic. I prefer their crawl speeds and one-foot driving over autos a lot of the time.
The eternal optimist buried deep within me wants to tell you that there’s still plenty of time for white people to come to their senses, but don’t hold your breath.
Well the privilege explains trailer park republicans that vote GOP and yet complain about economic anxiety.
Uh-oh, can’t let middle-America’s Black friend get uppity, now. They made her and they can break her! (Too late for that she got more dollars than GAWD)
Oprah is a billionaire, one of half a dozen African-American billionaires & 880,000-plus black millionaires in America.
“The world is changing and I’m not at the center of it anymore make it stop!”
I’ve noticed something since the pandemic numbers have been rising as fast as the economy has been cratering: The “Concentration camps for kids are cool!” crowd that I have access to are still ride or die with Trump. But “The world is changing and I’m not at the center of it anymore make it stop!” people? Not saying…
Nice job, Twitter, Facebook. Thanks for rescuing the dead horses after the barn burned down.
And now we know what the morning shall look like on the social medias, today:
To all the white folks always telling us we need to listen to law enforcement and respect authority let’s hear ya. Come on. We all know we need to listen to the police and follow the rules. I mean if this was one of those “uppity coloreds” I’m sure you would be all over this right? He should be in jail anyway. I…
Rolfe, who is facing 11 charges, including felony murder, has filed a lawsuit against city officials over the case.
Clearly the stress of getting away from murder was getting to him. *sigh*
We have all spent more time in lockdown that Brock Turner spent behind bars for rape.
This is why we need prison reform. If someone is committing crimes every time they’re out of jail, it’s likely because they’ve not been prepared properly for life on the outside.