I’m sure everyone likes free things, but even league minimum players on a super bowl team can afford basically any nice car they want.
I’m sure everyone likes free things, but even league minimum players on a super bowl team can afford basically any nice car they want.
I agree. NJ Turnpike and PA Turnpike, while expensive, cut almost an hour each way off my travels. Pretty nice.
It's a new product you have to expect some bugs
I know the creator and driving force behind it is a suck-assed rapist, but the Adventures of Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids just has to be mentioned among these shows. I mean, as an under ten year old it was regular viewing every Saturday morning, it was on for 8 seasons and is interwoven into the fabric of every child…
The lack of “The PJs” in this article troubles me.
I love it! It’s what Alfred would drive to the market to fetch groceries for Master Bruce. NP
Dude, as a porn fan, and interviewed quite a few, I can tell you: men get paid less than women, women have to do shit to get paid (have sex on their periods by shoving sponges inside of them), and God forbid if someone does an interracial scene with a black man (they’re damn near blacklisted and devalues them). Yes,…
They ruined a perfectly stupid car.
While I do fully condone calling out Boebert for being a hypocrite, but before this can really be taken seriously, the PAC in question should actually present some proof. At the moment it is fully leaning on just claiming that they are have seen the evidence, but it is questionable to publish such allegations without…
You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes? Jesus. Why do you hate Jesus?
I’ll be honest. coming from a Western State... all i saw was Nebraska has a 9$ minimum wage. I thought that was bad until i looked up state by state wage and most states minimum wage is far less than that. No wonder fast food places in southern states can’t get workers back after covid. 7.25 is ridiculous. Have to…
The only two times I’ve been in a GameStop in the last few years was to sell my old Xbox console (original Xbox One the first time, Xbox One X the next time). Other than that, why bother when I can just buy games through the Xbox online marketplace or Amazon digital codes?
demanded we not mention the name of Longacre in the story
I used to be ASL (assistant store lead) at a GS near me. We would crush sales, making $10k a week which was pretty good for us. But corp would yell at our boss for not hitting Reward or Protection quotas. They wanted to nickle and dime people. Made it hard to work there, I enjoyed the people and we had high feedback,…
The whole meme stock thing is so funny to me because on the surface, it looks like it’s being driven by nostalgia for what used to be a great company.
I worked at GameStop from 2002-2004. They had the same mentality back then too. We had a decent district manager who go along pretty well with the managers, then he was moved to a new district and GS hired a guy from Just For Feet instead of promoting from within. He visited our store and commented on our lack of…
They declined to comment in writing either, and demanded we not mention the name of Longacre in the story.
Bonus: GameStop has dodged NUMEROUS lawsuits thanks to an abusive mandatory arbitration policy that they only instituted after a massive police sting in 2008. the National Labor Relations Board has condemned it multiple times but it remains in effect. Lawsuits for everything working conditions to sexual abuse have all…
Obligatory self-promoting reminder that GameStop has capital-A abused employees for decades, up to and including using them as legal scapegoats for deliberate stolen merch trafficking.