Sorry, I had to.
Sorry, I had to.
You’ll need a place to store it. Does your uncle have a country place that no-one knows about? Was it a farm that existed before the motor law?
Uhh, you ok?
it’s probably too late if they haven’t already left...
The wild thing is how quickly the highways devolved. I was just in Florida on Saturday and the roads were clear, same with Atlanta when I was driving through on Sunday. By Monday, I heard from my connections down south that I-75 turned into a parking lot, which is nutty. Seems I somehow got in and out of Florida…
If this gets 100 stars, can we please kill the slideshow format?
“Forward gears use helical cut gears, which automakers prefer to use in manual gearboxes because they’re smoother and can withstand more force.”
Recaro hasn’t really been Recaro for a long time - the automotive division was sold to Johnson Controls over a decade ago. The Recaro name has really only been used in licensing for a long while now.
Agreed. They aren't stranded, just investigating. And they already determined that is most likely due to essentially overheating. If I remember correctly, the gasses are overheating from too much use.
I’m no fan of the current situation and even less a fan of the entire Starliner system…
I am going to assume that if he had bought an F150, that yes he may have been in the same situation and he would have sold it. The difference is that Ford is not going to fine him for doing so
“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.
It’s really not surprising. I imagine the impound storage fees are at least $500 probably more, and might have to be paid in cash requiring proof of ownership that you aren’t allowed to get to if you keep it in the glove compartment. Then often thousands of dollars in damage, some of which is the type that makes the…
I’ve been thinking a lot about this incident and the take that resources were potentially wasted on five billionaires. I have thoughts, but no blog or anything so, I’m going to share them here.
I know. And, I get it. But as someone who has volunteered with alpine and backcountry Search and Rescue for years, we don’t go looking for people based on moral considerations. At the end of the day, these are lost people and we go looking for them. Period.
How fragile a man must be if his whole sense of being is a motorcycle.
I guess it really does apply to Harley owners.
*sings* You picked a fine to leave me loose wheel...
Add a supercharger. It’ll be a Leaf blower.