No, Shireen is Stanis’. The story about her being the Moon Boy’s daughter was a story Littlefinger came up with to counter Stanis’ (true) story of Cersei and Jamie’s incest.
No, Shireen is Stanis’. The story about her being the Moon Boy’s daughter was a story Littlefinger came up with to counter Stanis’ (true) story of Cersei and Jamie’s incest.
I’m surprise no one has brought up Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History Podcast yet. This always comes up when there’s any discussion on the Mongols. Here’s the link:
He did, which is weird that he can’t fix it here. I’m pretty sure it’s the first think that he fixes when he gets godlike powers. I think he did it in Children’ Crusade was well when he got whatever power that was driving Scarlet Witch crazy.
And the other one is Namora, Namor’s cousin. She needs no clothes either.
I wasn’t interested in this Secret War but after reading this theory from a poster on a comicbook forum, I’m intrigued:
I tell everyone that if Rock Lee was the star of Naruto, I’ll be a bigger fan.
Unfortunately they don’t. Reiko Tamura was the one who recruited him and is the mastermind of the whole operation. Even Gotou (who looked like he was the leader) is an experiment created by Reiko. Hirokawa is probably an environmentalist who Reiko deduce as someone who would help the Parasytes with their cause.
Actually Mahi-Mahi is a fish not a dolphin. It’s commonly refereed to as the dolphin fish though, which is where the confusion comes in. I have no idea why it’s the word “dolphin” is part of it’s name.
Yes. That’s Max Lord. He was telepathically controlling Superman at the time and the only way stop the rampaging Superman was to kill Max.
It didn't occur to me too until I read this article. The way the article talked about how you didn't regenerate your health and about the items you have to pickup made me realize that Doom has all the elements of a survival horror before that was even a genre.
I remember shareware. I've actually never beaten the full Doom game only the shareware version. I played it so much, I could go through some levels with being hit once because I knew where everything was coming from.
Doom is always considered a classic FPS but it should also be considered one of the first survival horror games as well. I still remember hiding behind a wall, in the dark, scared shitless waiting for one of the zombie sergeants to walk by so I could shoot him. I knew he was there because I could hear the heavy…
Lufia 2 (a very under rated JRPG) already did this back in the SNES days. You start off with your childhood friend (99.9% of the time this is the main couple) but about 1/4 of the way through, you meet a new female member and you end up marrying her. You're childhood friend leaves and you don't see her again till…
True it is beating a dead horse, plus there's already Tyrande who's also an archer, but there's not much they could do. Sylvanas is an important character in WoW and changing her to anything else will have fans frothing at the mouth.
Umm...Sylvanas has been an Archer since Warcraft 3. She predates any character in LoL or DOTA
"Reading failure.. >.< I read the headline in the sidebar and thought..."Someone is trying to kickstarter gun control?!" .. Which wouldn't have made any sense."
Why would he need protection? He just puts his glass back on and disappears into the crowd. None of his villains, expect maybe Mxyzptlk, knows his secret identity. He can just turn into Clark Kent and take a day off being Superman.
I don't see how that's a great idea for a power. He pretty much has to level a city to become human. It's pretty much forces him to not use his heat vision as much. Which is really no lost as he doesn't use it that much anyways.
I use to work at Midway as a tech support agent. I had a guy who would call in every other day looking for assistance on locations of Kombat Koins and such in the the adventure mode in one of the Mortal Kombat games. I didn't believe him when he said that he was one handed till he sent us a picture. I was totally…
When I first heard the song, I though he did said "Cruel".