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    DC doesn't have any minorities as leads.

    I've always saw crushes as "they don't know you like them" were as friendzone is "they know you like them but they don't feel the same way"

    Well, we don't know if she's a princess yet.

    Actually Belle would be a princess by marriage at the end of Beauty and the Beast. Same with Cinderella.

    I've a feeling that move is going to fail the test. I don't recall seeing any other women in the trailer.

    I'm surprise Noah got a pass as well. That conversation seem to be more about Noah then the babies. Also, would it be considered a failure had the babies turned out to be boys?

    Are you sure you're watching the right movie? If I recall correctly Belle takes the place of her father who Beast imprisons after he plucks a rose from the garden. He didn't kidnap her. Also, Beast is under a lot of stress seeing as the rose is at it's final petals meaning that not only is he stuck as the Beast

    I thought that was the point of her character as well. It's not a popular archtype but I've seen it before in other animes.

    You forgot to mention the part where Belle stands up to him (probably the only person to do that in his life other than the witch who cursed him) thus initiating the change in him that will make him a better person. In the end, he let her go when she found out her father needed her. If he was still such an abusive

    That was my first though too when I saw the headline.

    Shingeki no Kyojin which is the Japanese name for Attack on Titan

    Shingeki no Kyojin, the Japanese name for Attack on Titan. I see commentators here using it interchangeably with AOT so it can be confusing.

    I was going to post the same thing. He sounded so much like Conroy that I didn't understand the need for a change unless it has to do with pay. Hamil has decided to step down so I can understand why he needed to be replaced.

    Loved the first one, E. Hoba is the most successfully villain ever. He didn't even need to be alive to see his plans through. I didn't really like the second movie as it didn't focus on the gang.

    We are, but we'll go kicking and screaming, secretly planning on breaking into the comic industry and change everything back. XD

    I just wanted to make sure people understood. There were a couple of response to his that didn't seem to understand that he was being sarcastic.

    But that's just it. For most characters there isn't anything inherent about them that ties them to a specific race. So why make the change in the first place? To be PC. They weren't trying to establish anything new with making Heimdall black. If you're going to change an establish character, give a good reason

    You're missing the point. Comic fans love the characters as they are in the comics not the original myths. We want to see THAT version on the screen. When it gets change, we feel that the studio is being disrespectful to the original source. Race has nothing to do with it. Take for example Hogun, played by

    Satyrix is being sarcastic. He's well aware of the controversy with the Last Airbender. He's using it as a comparison with the statement "it's doesn't matter what race the actor is as long as he's the right actor for the job". He's basically saying that if that statement is correct then their shouldn't have been

    Me too. I'm actually surprise at the reaction that it's getting. It's a heart wrenching moment but I never though it would get the kinda of reaction that it did. It's hilarious.