
Couldn’t have said it better.  Thanks for making Jalopnik awesome.


I’d like to add that pretty much none of the actors were my issue with the movies, and that includes Daisy Ridley. The story was a mess, and that’s really unfortunate. I didn’t like TLJ, and I also didn’t like the 180-degree course correction of TRoS. Neither of those movies had a talent problem, they both have story

What the hell is this inexcusable nonsense?

I want to play retro games enough to install an emulator on my retropie, not enough to buy a whole retro console.

Wait... hold up.

Not to mention the potential for pollution.  What if your engine decides to puke coolant or oil out there?  What about exhaust gases?

I’m looking forward to the Mk8 as well, as a replacement for my Mk6 GTI in a few years.

GameStop did this too, at least on paper.  We never did this in our store, but it was in the employee handbook 10+ years ago.

Humblebragging at its finest.

This was possibly the dumbest thing I’ve ever read on this web site.

11 year old me: Dad, can I help you fix up the Model A?

God damn I loved that game as a kid!  Maybe my love for my GTI runs deeper than I thought.

Everyday Driver has taken to calling it Beaver Teef, and I approve.

Lincoln’s new designs are beautiful, inside and out. It’s really too bad I’ll pretty much never be able to afford one.

I’d seriously consider a new Z for a weekend car.  Not a new 370Z, mind you, but an all new Z. Front-engined, RWD, manual, Japanese sports car?  Yes please.  Bonus points if it’s turbocharged.

It really sucks, doesn’t it?

I wonder how much Gizmodo and/or Matt Novak donated. I bet it’s $0.  The high horses around the G/O Media sites are looking pretty damn high lately, aren’t they?

Windows Defender is perfect protection when combined with uBlock Origin and smart browsing habits.

All Converse are unisex.

All Converse are unisex.