In the old EU, all of Yoda’s species were strongly Force-sensitive, so maybe they communicated feelings through the Force.
In the old EU, all of Yoda’s species were strongly Force-sensitive, so maybe they communicated feelings through the Force.
Ferraris are an investment for a lot of owners.
I mean, Rosso Corso is the Ferrari color, but damnit if I wouldn’t rock a dark purple Ferrari.
They might as well double down and make that the corporate slogan.
Blame Kathleen Kennedy for allowing Abrams to walk away after TFA. We would’ve at least gotten a consistent trilogy.
I’m with you 100%.
What other reason would competitors have for teaming up?
u mad bro?
Don’t forget that Uber is investing in autonomous vehicle development so it doesn’t have to pay drivers one day. In the mean time, they use human drivers. But they skirt around federal labor laws by calling those drivers, “Independent contractors.” They hemorrhage money even though they pay their drivers poorly. Also…
No, it’s bad.
Mergio’s short but memorable presence was beautiful.
Thank you for all the work you’ve done over the years, and for shielding Jalopnik from the private equity hurricane over the past few months. It won’t be the same around here without you. Best wishes at The Drive!
Yeah, funny isn’t it?
And since this game has no dungeons or sidequests or an evil terrorist organization to take down,
All the best at The Drive! You’ll be missed around here!
Yup, it’s classic reality TV shtick.
In my experience, their mice are good, and the rest of their stuff can be summed up with a resounding, “Meh.”
Free means you’re the product being sold.
The only ones complaining are the ones who are too young to have played the original release. Entire team is babies.
AdBlock Plus is also the one that people love to rag on for allowing advertisers to pay them to allow ads through. I see a pot calling a kettle black.