
Each day, we stray further from God’s light.

That’s the Nintendo philosophy of game and hardware development.

Soul Red is best red.

This is a red that is always ready for a classy evening out. It’s a red that would also look stunning as a lipstick, nail polish, gown, pair of pumps or a clutch. With a black or silver shoulder chain. This is a red that tips its server.

You cannot deny the Chevette S wasn’t a Golf GTI, but it still tried its hardest.

I don’t get it either.  I never bought into these games, I just bought whatever was on sale that I was waiting for.

You need two of them for your car, one for each bank of cylinders.  You’ve got two 12V sockets, right?

It’s the exact same reason iPhone sales are plummeting, they’re ridiculously expensive.

Shhhh... you’ll blow our cover.

Damnit, Kinja ate the Mustang gif.

Mustang good

Bad take is bad.

As if the increased cost passed to his customers won’t offset anything other than his lost income.

It’s a nice way to keep up with family and acquaintances,

No one cares.

And now it’ll be stuck in my head all day.

Glory to Arstotzka.

That’s part of why I ditched social media.  It ain’t worth it.

Hasn’t it been documented on Kotaku that third party docks can brick systems?  No cheap dock is worth that risk.

Hasn’t it been documented on Kotaku that third party docks can brick systems?  No cheap dock is worth that risk.

And brands court the low-hanging fruit of controversy.  It’s almost like everyone on earth knows that the cost and funding of college education is completely broken.