
As a former Ford Focus lessee, I can confirm. The only things I hated about my car was Sync 2 and the god awful transmission. Even the recall fix, replacing the clutch pack and updating the TCU software, ultimately did nothing.  I haven’t had that car for four years and I still remember what it was like being jerked

Please quantify the total amount of pollution that fireplaces around the world output in a year, and then compare it to our cars, and then compare that to manufacturing and power generation before making idiotic statements like that.

My headcanon is that Cap was almost worthy in AoU, but he was keeping a big friendship-ending secret from Tony and that was a problem.  After Tony and Steve left their differences in the past and moved on, now he’s worthy of Mjolnir.

At some point in the next six months I’ll be moving, likely to South Carolina.  I’m trying to avoid HOAs at all costs, but its proving somewhat difficult.

Sensationalism drives clicks more than the realistic approach.

There’s a gym just across the street from my office. Occasionally when my GPS signal and data connection is spotty, I’ll wander in range of the gym from my desk.  I’ve always got control of that gym. Go Instinct!

Yup.  Here’s my thought process:  Is it clear next to the rig? Yep.  Is it clear in front of the rig? Yep.  Floor it past the rig and get into their line of sight as fast as possible.

Sure it can be done, but would you trust someone else’s work and buy a twincharged car?

Another bonus is an additional intake and turbocharger, which the seller says he was planning to bolt on in series with the supercharger.

That’s Mr. Ascot McSmooveingthon III, Esq. to you, good sir.

But they formed a union so they must be professionals.

You lost me at RX-8 seats and wanting to turbocharge a supercharged motor.  That earned a hearty chuckle from me.

Or Fine Artist

Considering we learned how to use Photoshop and Flash at an early age, I’d say a lot of us at least know when designs don’t work.  This is one of those times.

I agree, I hate that.

I’ve been seeing more of the new ones in person, and I kinda dig it.

The additional profit that comes with games as services will always outweigh any downsides that come along with that.

No company condones retaliation, ever since retaliation in the form of termination was made illegal.

Oh good, I’m glad I’m not the only one.