sEconD cHUNcE
sEconD cHUNcE
To be more specific, I meant in my state, NY. According to the map, that’s not true.
I’m surprised too (NY). In all honesty, I always heard that men got the shaft on car insurance. I pay out the ass, and I’ve got a great record. I feel bad that some of these women are paying more than I am just because of their gender.
One could argue that you’re a little biased... ;)
Anyone else using Firefox? All Kinja sites are supremely fubar’d since the most recent Firefox update.
And that’s exactly how we got stock Supras going for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Thermal Runaway! NEW BAND NAME DIBS!
Aww... too mean. :(
The comments on that article were amazing.
I’m 14 and the title is deep.
Yeah, I don’t get the obsession with the hard top. It looked hideous when it was new, and it’s aging pretty poorly. I’d take a roadster too.
Touch screens aren’t the problem. The interfaces on those touch screens are the problem. They’re too complicated, and basic functions are hidden deep within layers of menus. Simple GUI designs go a long way, just look at Apple CarPlay. Big brightly colored buttons on a dark screen and deep voice control integration…
Seriously, add pants that fit to the packing list.
Is the alternative independent suspension? What’s the advantage of solid axles?
Yup, this is the only reason Nintendo is releasing new hardware.
I think, if they made a widebody R/T, that would be a heckin’ chonker. But a widebody Hellcat is definitely oh lawd he comin’.
Dead Cells really has me hooked. I think it’s one of the best rogue-likes.
I’ve never wanted a Miata so I have no horse in this race but this is the dumbest thing I’ve heard today, and may even be dumber than yesterday’s news of the 2 Series going FWD. Don’t do it, Mazda.
The 5GT was replaced by the 6GT. It’s really nothing more than a name change.