Clearly it was his untrained Pikachu.
Clearly it was his untrained Pikachu.
Here’s a hot take for you. The Caliber is no bigger a shitbox than any other mid-2000's American compact. They all have miserable Rubbermaid interiors, and driving dynamics rivaling the Model T that Torch filmed recently.
It’s worth well over $200,000, and Dave is very aware of how much work he put into it, and, as a result, wasn’t really crazy about me driving it. That’s why I had to get in in just my socks, and had to swear a blood oath that I’d barely touch the throttle as I trundled down the road.
Boy, I’m glad I didn’t pursue a job at a Tesla store.
I would’ve paid more for Super Mario Run. I’ve gotten way more than $10 worth out of it.
Then we blame Toyota. I’m not going to say they should have changed the design language of the car to account for the government’s dumb and ugly metal.
Color-matched wheels need to come back.
Yeah, I wouldn’t know how to fix that, but the lights and grill just don’t fit with the rest of the car.
A commenter on the Aston Martin article today asked what the hypercar market is like, and how big it is. This is how big it is. They will make tooling, source leather, mix paint, commission tires, and design an entire new body for one person, if that one person is willing to pay for it.
Not really post Enron, more post Dodge v. Ford Motor Company.
It’s atrocious.
Fret not, that’s just Photoshop Extraordinaire Torchinsky at work.
I’m a sucker for wings, but with the top down it looks a little funny, like it doesn’t quite belong there.
I’m curious about how much he spent to go 3.2 million miles. I’m sure it wasn’t cheap.
Incineroar is a cat who stores flame in his wrestling belt, and his Z-Move is literally a wrestling move, but you are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
I think it’s pretty tame, really. But the whole trend of being-weird-for-the-hell-of-it is pretty terrible.
Because 2JZ hurr dee durr
Everyone’s too busy unionizing to proofread their work.
I just don’t get SpongeBob. I never have, and at this point, I’m sure I never will.