
There’s a lot of black trim on the lower front end now... I’m not sure if I like that.

And then they just declared bankruptcy so that the ‘new’ company couldn’t be blamed for the actions of the ‘old’ one.

There are street cars more expensive than that.  I’ll take the race car, please.

I hope you’re right, that the sensors will be used for nothing other than determining if I’m awake. We just have to trust car companies to do what they say they will do...

You make good points, but two things stuck out to me.

Call me an alarmist nutbag, but HTC and Occulus (aka Facebook) can (and do) mine data from the Vive and Rift that the devices collect from infrared projectors.

Sounds like a brilliant new way to mine users for ad data.

Personally, the tail lights said Lexus RC to me.

I agree. I had one as a loaner a few years back, and I loved that it’s all windows, as much as a modern car can be, anyway. Big forward windows and a fairly upright seating position meant I could see everything, and I felt higher up than I actually was.

Young and broke me ate all the Elio’s pizza I could get.

That’s a nice change to skill trees. There’s a little bit of RPG in my arcade racer, and I love it.  Another cool way to make some wacky builds.

Something, something, overreving. Something, something, transmission, something.

Oof, I don’t watch football at all and that stung.

Does it zip off at the knees to make a shorter cargo skirt too?? I DEMAND ANSWERS!!!

Is that woman in the top image wearing a skirt with cargo pockets?  Is that a thing?!

Borrowing from Toyota with the gaping maw grille, eh Nissan?

Caught him red-handed.

That is the perfect gif for visualizing my feelings.  Musk is a psycho and I grow tired of him.

I mean, who can blame him for driving a 911 with a heavy foot?