
Louvers are the best.

That’s a dick move, no matter how hot it is.

The barrel has to stay orange.  Not sure about the trigger, though.

While a lot of bugs in the game are massively annoying, one bug is proving very financially beneficial for me.  When I pick plants from my buddy’s farm, they grow back instantly instead of initiating the cooldown.  Infinite money!

My experience has been different.

Basically support their spine with one arm so you’re other hand is free. It’s a lot easier to do with smaller, lighter kittens.

Capital ship base or bust.

I learned this trick working at an animal shelter. It’s possible to teach cats to love being flipped over, but it only works if you do it from when they’re kittens. Flip them over and massage their necks from between their ears, to between the shoulder blades. Get a little rough with it, really dig in.  If they love

Man alive, that’s a ton of mo-OH MY GOD IT HAS PLAID SEATS IT’S THE MOST PERFECT CAR EVER!!!!!!111

Yeah, I agree.  The GT-R grill doesn’t work here for some reason.

I have literally never once heard of this car.  It’s meh.

Sweet my synthwave suggestions made the cut!  I’ve got plenty more recommendations if needed!

The Overwatch League semifinals are on...

Because people are weird.  I feel the same way you do.

Ken Block gets the best toys.

Aren’t there cars with turbos that use electric motors to keep the turbo spooled up when RPMs are low?  I’m pretty sure they refer to that as an electric turbocharger.

Any word on why Facebook still has my account after requesting permanent deletion four times?

My best friend had a G37 coupe, damn that was a fun car.  Comfortable, fast, and super solidly reliable.

Looks like one of those little-bit-of-everything type of car shows.  It’s not far from Long Island, maybe I’ll make my way up there one day this summer.

Get back to me when they take the camo off.