
Golf GTI golf ball shifter is best shifter

I’m sure that comparison wasn’t lost on the emblem designers, either.

The holier-than-thou enthusiasts who look down on anyone who doesn’t drive a manual.

You won’t find an ‘H’ anywhere on this car. It’s a Genesis, not a Hyundai.

Kotaku: Don’t buy third party docks, people. They brick Switches.

Kotaku: Don’t buy third party docks, people. They brick Switches.

Toyota products almost always = NP

Also they actually got Jeremy Clarkson to rave about a fictional military vehicle. Only Microsoft could throw enough money to make that happen.

And went to the Corvette with the C6 Z06.

I played through Halo 4 once, but I honestly don’t remember much from the campaign, other than it felt quite short. It seems that’s the general consensus of the 343 Halo games, that they’re not so special.

My only wish for Halo is that The Master Chief Collection would come to Windows. Driving the Warthog was one of my favorite parts of the game, poor handling and all.

Come on, you can’t use a Kia measurement on a Mazda.

Ah yes, you’re right. I remember the video now.

It is, and it’s already been stuffed into a ditch once.

Interesting ideas.


Seems like he’s active in the comments, which is cool. Sometimes it feels like it’s hard to get a response from the writers.

Cars gotta phone home all kinds of data, right? Cars should send an alert to police that the seat belt hasn’t been engaged after 100ft traveled. And in order to get around those idiotic belt plug things, it should use the tensioner to determine if the belt is engaged or not.

That’s why you keep a window breaker/belt cutter in the car. They’re $10 on Amazon.