Max standing there alone with Shirin and his machete saying "I'm finally playing Survivor!" was priceless. No, dude, those five over there are playing Survivor; they're going to vote you out.
Max standing there alone with Shirin and his machete saying "I'm finally playing Survivor!" was priceless. No, dude, those five over there are playing Survivor; they're going to vote you out.
Upvote for "bung", past tense of "bang".
My niece is named Hali, but it's pronounced "HAL-ee" not "HAY-lee".
Tied for first! How is this even possible?
I disagree. Even a perfect episode loses half a grade point for every second of conversation about the true essence of various types of collar.
I LOOOVE bitches and no class girls, myself.
Who wouldn't have a mean streak with Coconut Feathers sniffing around her like that?
Whew! 78th place is mine for sure!
I see a "Carolyn" on the Purple Rock list. Is that me?
I'm Fnarf, not Carolyn. Does this mean I'm in?
Are we picking? I want Carolyn, Shirin, Joe and Sierra.
One million lotto tickets.
"So, you guys all know how to play gin rummy, right?"
If I can restrain myself from always picking the obvious total creepoid on the off-chance that we're seeing a redemption story (I had Rocker and Colton; I might have even picked Brandon Hantz, for which I should be barred) I might finish…twentieth?
— And not after marriage neither, you felthy sodomites!
That lie is clearly BS for Josh's religious parents's benefit.
Wes looks like he's displaying at the wrong aspect ratio. Somehow just his part of the screen is set to "wide".
Aaaand I fall into the toilet at last. All four gone. Twenty from bottom and likely to fall four more. I'll see you on the jury.
Keith couldn't count up the votes, because he needed the other hand to count with, and there wasn't time to take off a shoe.
The next immunity challenge is "dart a busy Nicaraguan highway".