Not until now! You're right, though.
Not until now! You're right, though.
That seems unfair. They even say "you get to use this at the next tribal council". Well, there wasn't one, so he should still get to use it at the next one.
My understanding from contestants talking about the game afterward is that everybody just completely reeks, and it's ultra-non-sexy. They smell like shit-encrusted corpses.
With a false nose glued over his real nose, about halfway down.
Have you ever been to Ephrata? It makes dry, desolate wastelands seem like Hawaii.
I'm still bottom half, but I'm (cough, cough) tied with you.
I think the show has pulled back from the most extreme "starve them and make them suffer" stuff on the advice of their doctors and attorneys. It used to be serious starvation, which is not just lethargic but dangerous. Remember when Russell (good Russell, not Hantz) blacked out during a challenge? I don't care what…
Dale has been wearing a false nose over his real nose the whole time.
Memorial? I'm NOT DEAD! I'm right here! I know you can see me waving at you!
I think Alec is under the impression that he was flirting with her.
Mr. Adderall?
Call me the "bikini top" of Pick-4.
Sorry, I've been away. But may I point out that I am currently TOP HALF. Not last. Nowhere near last. I can't even see last in my rear-view mirror. I just spotted y'all John Rocker to make my come-from-behind victory even more remarkable.
The next clue will be Water + Dig + North + 7 + Rocker + Pocket.
One of these seasons I'm going to learn that picking the most obnoxious dickhead because I somehow think he'll either redeem himself or get carried along as a goat for a long time is stupid.
Whoo hoo! Eat my dust, suckers! Until week six, that is, when I become the first contestant to have all his players voted out.
If it's not already taken, I would like Jeremy, John Rocker, Josh, and Reed.
It's ridiculous that they let him go twice.
Last week I was ten from top and ten from bottom. Now I'm eleven from top and eleven from bottom. But the bottom's about to fall out unless Woo can find some way out of his impossible predicament, and Sarah doesn't look much better off. Can Tasha go to the end? She's my only hope.
You can't win a reward challenge. If you keep it, you're a bad guy; if you give it away you're transparently a threat.