
Brad would have dumped him in less time than Kat took to dump Ciera. Rupert's not really that strong, or smart, and Brad is a former football player who did these kinds of contests for a living. Rupert would have been an easier takedown than Gervase for sure.

I think they invite him, but he never appears after he hijacks the show with some crazy (unbroadcast) bullshit and runs off and hides in the bathroom. Where no one wants to look for him.

I'm waiting for "Well, no, Jeff, we split up" at the reunion show. Which Colton won't attend.

I recently rewatched All Stars, and Rupert was absolutely insufferable. His intransigence in shelter-building, when he insisted on digging out a shelter below grade, like a basement, in an area prone to flooding, was incredibly stupid, and worse was his obnoxious scorn at any opposing viewpoint. Their shelter sucked

I'm actually looking forward to him being on Redemption Island, if he doesn't in fact just walk off the show. Because he's going to suck super hard at whatever challenge they give them. Candice could beat him at "put these rocks in a pile" with her hands tied behind her back, a hood over her head, and one ski boot on.

Because it contributes nothing to the main stream of the game. There's no strategy there; you just wait, and compete against whomever shows up, and then do it again. And that has no impact on the rest of the game — the real game. So it's almost like a separate show gobbling up 10-15 minutes of time every episode for

I understand the hate for Redemption Island, but in its favor it does have a new twist to it, which at least removes the predictability of it. That being the possibility that the person voted off will switch with the loved one. I think that makes the new RI interesting enough, for now at least.

One of the contestants said, in episode one, that she was so happy to have Rupert because "he's so good at making shelters and stuff". Which was confusing, because the last time we saw Rupert, he was digging his tribe's shelter into a basement, in an area that gets flooded by the tide all the time. It was the worst

Diego — like everyone watching, Rupert had no recollection of ever having seen her before.

I thought it was more of a 4+5=10-9+4-5-4+5 analogy. Seriously, he was looking at his hands to see how many fingers he was holding up, and he had it wrong. I swear, I always get stuck behind this guy in line at the convenience store, who takes fifteen minutes to figure out how to pay for a single can of Steel Reserve.

Me too, Sheldor. Marissa, she coulda been a contendah. It's not her fault her uncle is a dope.

Colton's reform effort lasted all of twenty minutes. He's picked up a few new gal pal defenders, but that'll last one episode until he backstabs them.

Especially since, despite the firm convictions of guys like Brad, having a functioning brain is a key element of being a guy. Having tattoos that read "Honor" and "Judge", not so much.Brad's a dope. Caleb's ten times the guy Brad is. I have a feeling Brad knows this, and will eventually twig to the fact that "hey,

That shirt, that beard, that cap. 100% gay signifiers. A straight guy could wear a shirt like that but it would never be that pristine. He looks like a Brooklyn hipster party, gay corner. I think he's going to go far in this game.

thank god for first episode changes. I am changing Marissa out for Caleb in. If no one else has this combo, I want to also change out Colton for Laura B or Ciera if that group is taken. So:

No, man, I'm taking a flyer. Crap, that's another Philly sports reference, isn't it? I'm not even from there. I mean, TV loves a redemption story, so if Colton turns out to have turned his personality disorder around, he could surprise — and I will be nearly alone in benefiting. He's definitely no Brandon Hantz. If

See my edit — change Tyson to Katie. I may be stupid but I'm not cr—no, wait, I'm crazy too.

I'm going to be "that asshole" and pick Colton, Tyson, Aras, and Marissa.

The length of it allows time for Buster to show the gradual effects of a non-smoker inhaling all that smoke. It's one of the greatest bits I've ever seen. Tony Hale is a genius.

What? This show is ALL structure. It's more tightly choreographed than any slamming-doors madcap comedy of the Thirties. It has the most complex structure of any show that's ever been on TV.