Franz Nacht

The problem with a theoretical rape, is it is only theoretical. There are many things worse than having sex with a person who has forgotten they don’t want to be with you any more. Murder comes to mind. Also, the “drugged me” claim is a bit sketchy. Syd claimed that. How do we represent a metaphysical drugging? Syd’s

I didn’t see any drugs. I saw Syd climb on a mental projection. This guy was mentally raped by the SK for 30 years, and you think what happened to Syd is a big deal? Really?

Exactly. The show never makes clear why the ‘good guys” turn on David. Because the Shadow King Convinced them? Really? What did David do worse than the Shadow King? Or even Syd? Future crimes. In the reality based community we call that bullshit.

I find in comical that the SJW legion is all atwitter over the so-called rape of Syd, but what about Syd’s attempt to MURDER David? Who is more evil? I go with the murderer on that one.

What rape? I missed it. Did Syd rape David? I saw her get on him in her fantasy.

There was no rape.

That was rape? Wow, no complaints, an on-going relationship, and its rape? The girls at the station are even amused at the stupidity of it.

Kind of like what millions of people feel about you.

So, you think a man has to agree with his critics or be dishonest? Try pulling your head out of your ass.

Neither is making dullard comments

Trying to make excuses for your disgusting opinions will not earn your living son.

Being stupid is no way to earn a living son.

Try again to make an intelligent comment.

Isn’t that sad. Jealous are we?

How kind of you. Now fuck off son.

Libel? What libel dipshit?

Sorry you still are an asshole.

Why, everyone knows that he consorts with the devil! Burn the witch!

Who do you think you are? “He did a lot of harm associating with some of the groups he did in 2014-2015.” Evidence? You don’t like the man’s reasonable opinions? You don’t like who he has associated with? Poor you!