FM Last

People bleed and survive, though. As @Limitchik pointed out, IMDB suggests a full 10-episode's worth of the character, and all the promo pictures imply strongly that she'll be around for the duration. If they wanted to make sure there was no doubt about her death, they'd have waited until she was in the helicopter and

I watched online and didn't see previews for next week's episode. Are we 100% certain Mary is dead? The question of "Is she breathing?" was never answered, and people have certainly survived worse falls. There will certainly be repercussions (and a concussion, at a minimum) but if True Detective can end an episode

Maybe he got the job because he knows when to use "allowed" where you would use "aloud" and that "short-sided" might be some sort of carpentry error, while "shortsighted" is an actual word, even if not especially applicable as used.

It's not blue for me/everyone, just depends on your browser & how links are configured to appear.

An X-rated Abbott & Costello routine just started percolating in my brain.

They just used what Garfunkel & Oates refer to as "The Loophole."

If you're not part of the solution you're part of the precipitate.

Southerners are more polite than that. When I was growing up & visiting relatives in the Deep South, I observed that the locally printed calendars, in those days before President's Day was the official holiday, left Lincoln's birthday off the calendar entirely.

Disgrace to the Navy, actually.

"Ah.. so. You do know Walter Larson."

Sir Loin of Beef.

There were actually some beard continuity issues in one of the earlier episodes. He went from being clean-shaven to having significant facial hair back to hairless within a single episode (can't remember which just now).

Streaming it online w/out commercial interruptions is worth the wait.

Now that's a real onion, sir. I never used Cserve*, but do remember having to get Winsock from a local BBS (using ZMODEM) to dial into an ISP that only provided a username/pw and the # of the dial-in. I was using lynx at work at the university computer lab when Mosaic was introduced. And my key-mapping within 'screen'

"Cow steak coming up."

Just the fact that Elliot does his hacking on a machine running Linux instead of a Microsoft Surface® tablet gives it an edge over pretty much every other recent depiction of hackers on TV.

I think Ray and the other characters have met before, in some context that none of them want to acknowledge publicly.

…and truly horrifying.

It's also Peter SellErs, not Peter SellArs.

I found the scene you're referring to, it's about 37 minutes into S01E08, Grand Guignol. He says, "I don't take tobacco" and she replies, "Neither do I." She was smoking when she walked up, and does hand it to him, and after he takes a drag, he moves to give it back to her but she takes his hand and pushes it back.