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I liked the whole Dionne Farris album, even though I usually have much different tastes. I was working for her record company when the album came out and usually had to promote albums I really didn't connect with at all, but was glad to talk hers up to whoever would listen. It didn't hurt that I had gone to school

Please don't try to misrepresent me or what I wrote. There are plenty of women that can beat up plenty of men. But when it comes to full contact mixed martial arts, there is a reason there are weight classes and that women don't compete against men. Ronda Rousey would tear my arms off and beat me to death with them,

Breaking concrete slabs with gaps between them with a carefully placed strike isn't what she did, though. And I wasn't specifically suggesting she does have superpowers, just that without them, her defeating a larger, male, comparatively skilled fighter is not realistic.

It didn't sound right to me either, but I wasn't going to risk incurring a penalty from my bank to find out or go to the trouble to switch to a different bank account. I don't think it would be the case if I were a new customer and signed up for a combined plan from the start, but ever since they went to such lengths

It's pretty unlikely that she could be anywhere near that successful against just the one skilled fighter, given the size difference, unless that desk pulverizing scene is suggesting that she also already possesses super-powers.

There are a few.

I'm a long-time (14 yr) Netflix customer with a DVD-only plan. I had the streaming option when it came with an existing DVD plan, dropped streaming when they started charging extra for it (at the time, there was no streaming content not also available on DVD). I was a huge evangelist for them when they were first

Gattaca was one of my earliest DVD acquisitions, I think Dogma was actually my first.

I heard "Blue Velvet" playing.

Goggins might make a good Hammerhead.

If they had left her unnamed, or better yet, referred to her as 'Sin' (her character from 'Arrow'), they could have left the door open for a crossover.

Captions for that scene displayed distinctly different affirmations than what was heard,

Just a whore. (Hey, you're the one talking about how many people she's done)

A 1337 speak joke revealed by closed captions:

Thanks for making me aware of Pale Moon; I'm about to give it a test run.

Whiff Whaff was my favowhitt Wocky Howah chawactah.

Not even necessarily two things, some habit-forming drugs do tend to over-inflate the user's ego.

"You don’t hire an actress of Juliette Lewis’ caliber and then kill her off in the second episode"

I'll give that a try, thanks for the tip!

It seems to happen for some CBS shows but not others, as I recall. But if I stream CBS shows from the Comcast site, no ads. Stranger still, streaming HBO shows through Comcast chokes with an ad-blocker enabled(!?), but no problems at all streaming via HBOGo. with the same blocker enabled. Many of the Comcast streams