
*stage left

Guy looks exactly like Ice King from Adventure Time here.

That Weeping Angel wouldn't leave me alone and left me with Peter Davison, though he was more than enough to win it for me.

I was one of the small percent that had a faulty disk drive when i bought my PS3. Opened the box, hooked it up, disk drive would not accept disks. Needed to get a box sent from Sony to send it back. Pretty lame Xmas

right. I laughed when I considered that kids watching this show might also be asking the same question.

do we not use the subjunctive anymore?

thank you!

"happy and retarded in a cat costume" kind of sums up everything great. ever. so, there's that.

and I have epilepsy

it's one of their homegrown stories, "Lookouts". I think they've done a story in that fantasy world two or so times in the past.

I also love this one and feel that it really is fun to play over again from the start - which I think is important for a game like this that has a clear ending.

But in my experience, if I asked ten people who Masterchief was, perhaps showing a picture, I think maybe two or three would know who that is - and I am not counting my friends that still play games. I just really feel that people, in general, that are not connected at all to the industry of video games still believe

god. i need to get that new xcom game too. so much work to do!

I am excited for it too, but I have a mini. You think it'll work on that?

Geddy Lee is jammin that dog!

I'm fairly certain the answer to your question is a large part of the plot of the game.

I have a few games from my youth that I play once every year or so, like Earthbound, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Link to the Past, even some old Gameboy games I used to play on long car rides. I love these games, but I don't dwell on any kinds of crappy programming or glitchy behavior in the levels, b/c I enjoy

thanks for the update!

so they would be asking me to pay another fee on top of what I pay for Netflix? That sounds ridiculous.

could not agree more. There seems to be no substance to this book at all. Where is this "research" to which he refers? Did he maybe get some good interviews with people on the development team or with Itoi-san or something? Shit, I loved this game as a kid (and play through it about once a year) and bought it after