
This story was all at once depressing and hilarious. Thanks.

I think you are seriously selling short the Juve-Monaco matchup. Given how they are both playing, I would put the winner of that matchup as the favorite in the final, even if Real makes it.

My uncle was an engineer at a small company called Lamb in Windsor, Ontario. The company had box seats at the Joe and every time it was my uncle’s turn with the tickets, he brought the whole family to the arena to watch a game. Windsor has the nickname of “South Detroit” and most of us are diehard Wings fans (for some


Property, shmoperty. As long as the owners of said property aren’t looking and if they are, kindly asking them for a measly one or two of their abundant produce is quite fine. And if they say no, you kindly accept their decision, wait until they’re not looking and take it anyway.

This shit even happens where you’d think “colour” wasn’t an issue, like in Italy. My family is from southern Italy and therefore, “tan easier” than the more central and northern regions of the country. When I went back for my honeymoon and spoke in Italian to the locals, every single one of them commented on how I

Absolutely. The wealth, it trickles down. Has been for decades. Why, I’ve furnished my place completely in gold toilets. Thanks, GOP!

Does that $3.2 trillion get spread out to everyone in the country so that we can keep supporting the economy and it’s growth? Asking for a friend.

I mean, I get it. Guy also works for gq and writes fuckin novels cuz he thinks he’s Hunter S. Thompson or some shit and he’s got a family. So we should cut him some slack....but I completely agree, Tuesday’s are funbag days goddamnit.

Yeah, I was thinking earlier today, “There is no excuse for Magary not to post a funbag every Tuesday.” I know it’s silly to get upset over it, but do you agree? Sometimes there is no funbag on a Tuesday, which I think is bs, he should have some on standby in case he can’t make a new one.

I don’t even particularly like these posts but it’s tuesday, almost 5 o’clock and I’m thinking, “That asshole magary hasn’t posted his funbag yet!” I hate you for making me feel this way.

He’s got below average speed, unless he seizure in trouble.

Drew Magary called this before Woods had his first back operation. You could look it up!

“Cuts both ways” is a figure of speech!

Also, “draft” can mean both “glass of beer” and “fantasy pick”! So the statement cuts both ways!

Because Gordon drank them! Get it?

at least all those drafts went to good use.