
I actually just buy the McCormick Pure Vanilla Extract in the giant bottle for $35 at Amazon. They all have to have at least 35% alcohol and I make a ton of chocolate chip cookies, but I notice a difference in the taste. It’s not as...sweet in a non-sugary way. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. Then again, I’m one of


Actual size of the plant I need for the amount of dust in my house.

...they call it blockchain!  :P

Leave it to Jeff Bezos’ MMO to shut down transfers of wealth.

Miss Flashdance herself in Star Wars. I didn’t notice that was her.

If she hands out some stern looks then whole show was worth it.

What are you talking about? How is this indicative of them being bad at managing star wars. If you are latching onto the line that this article does, then you don’t understand Boba at all.   Disney looks to be pulling from the EU for this and nailing it.  

I think the value is seeing a corner of the Star Wars universe that hasnt been explored in the mainstream or represented at such a high budget and quality.

Is it? The game had the biggest launch of any MMO on Steam. In fact, its record CCU is higher than every AAA game on Steam and surpassed only by PUBG, CS:GO and DOTA2. It was never going to maintain those numbers for an extended period of time. Currently, New World is consistently the third most played game on Steam,

Don’t forget the very popular eclaire!

So take this as you will from a 60 year old tennis player :) You are an athlete :)

I am very pro-vaccine and pro-vaccine mandate...

BUT putting it on your resume does disadvantage the disabled. People who have immune system deficiencies or who have/had cancer that prevents them from getting the vaccine should haven’t to announce their disability in order to get a job. Employers can announce their

It’s not even the topics, it’s just Dave’s shows are lacking punchline. He’s taken himself too seriously like so many older comedians. I think because mainly, he is addressing his angst rather than reinventing himself. If you you can’t reinvent yourself, then your only option is to bow out gracefully or punch down in

In some countries I’d imagine you’d be arrested and/or killed for it....but I doubt those are popular tourist destinations for people with an X on their passport.

Put it on.

My response to them as a gamer:

permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out

I knew this was your article from the title alone. FYI, I’ll be making sunny-side up eggs and grits this weekend and going to try putting the eggs yolk side down into my grits.