Now, I know what you are thinking: Nicole Kidman looks and sounds nothing like Lucy. (You are only thinking this because you are old
Now, I know what you are thinking: Nicole Kidman looks and sounds nothing like Lucy. (You are only thinking this because you are old
Personal Jetpacks
I would also like to know which shitbags thought this was no big deal.
I didn’t say there should or should not be. But in the ‘60s, it was very common.
Nope. I knew the importers and we got some of the best stuff. Seeds in the weed were common in those days.
Who hasn’t?
As someone who did smoke pot in the 60s and 7s, I can attest to this. Bakc then, sharing a joint with someone else would usually get you high. Nowadays, one or two hits is enough.
They are wearing leotards you pervert.
Hot water heaters can be a contributor to high energy bills
Village Of the Damned was not Stephen King. It was adapted from The Midwich Cuckoo by John Wyndham.
This is not the point.
Anyone know any tricks to get rid of evil click-shows?
If, like me, you have more than five (5) different kinds of chips, consider getting high and pouring them into one big bowl.
Fuck. Almost tricked me into a slideshow again.
I’m with you on the cilantro. I cannot stand the taste of that shit.
How is this going to fly in countries that don’t recognize these designations?
I never thought Chappele was funny.
What do you do with of all that sugar and salt?