Titty Lovin’ Donut Receptacle.
Your logic only has one glaring flaw. And that would be almost every country on the fucking planet that doesnt have the gun problems that the US has.
As far as RC and Buzz flying. This is a movie about toys that are alive. I think we can let those go.
Dilbert is hilarious wtf?
Director Rob McLellan, who is turning his robot serial killer short ABE into a feature film with MGM, has also been…
I read that in Batman’s voice.
This poor guy. Promised fame, money, recognition at an age when he didn’t know what any of those things were, and was delivered infamy, hate, and ridicule. Is it any wonder he ended up like this? His life is irreparably fucked up. And he has rabid fan boys and movie critics to blame for a lifetime of torment over…
I watched Jurassic Park last Friday and came away with a few really important takeaways:
How many Hemsworth brothers are there, anyway?
“Think of all the fan service! The fans needs to be serviced!”
You are a monster.
The picture above, via ABC 7's Ben Bradley, depicts some shit currently going down at Union Station in Chicago.
If the first ten minutes of UP doesn't make you teary:
In the course of debating these very bad rankings, my brain instinctively went back to 2004's "Battle At Kruger,"…
From what I've seen, it's hard to keep cats out of boxes.
INTRA-uterine. this is not the uterine nations summit.
Um, Raiders has a mythical Ark that melts everybody's faces with ghosts. I'd call that fantasy.